Daily prayers
Mat and Katy Linley
Mat and Katy Linley are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Mat is Assistant Superintendent at Rift Valley Academy. Katy is involved in Family Health Clinical Officer training at Kijabe Hospital. Pray for the senior FHCO class who have finished their training and after a final placement will be heading out in their new roles at the end of January.
Barry and Heather
Barry and Heather work with Growing Nations, an organisation based in Maphutseng, Lesotho, which shares God’s love through a focus on agricultural knowledge and training. Barry also serves as AIM International’s Crisis Consultant. Please pray that God will clearly guide them in the timing of their next visit to Lesotho and that he will sustain them as they work remotely between now & then.
Caroline Bell
Caroline Bell partners with churches in Moroto, Uganda, to envision, equip, mobilise, and encourage believers to reach out to rural Karimojong communities with the gospel. In their monthly church leaders’ meetings, they have continued with the ‘One field, one goal’ church planting training. As they resume in January, please pray for wisdom to apply what they are learning, and that many self-sustaining, reproducible, Christ-centred churches will be established.
Timo and Laura
Timo and Laura serve in Finland among the refugee population, sharing Jesus with them and equipping Christian refugees to reach out to the Finns they live among and fellow internationals. Praise the Lord that they have been able to begin a multicultural gospel-centred community of believers. Now they have a place where they can invite people they get to know from various backgrounds and ethnicities, pray the Lord will lead and guide them to build well on that foundation.
Dr. Pete Halestrap
Praise the Lord for the recent graduation of seven surgeons and family medicine consultants and 113 healthcare professionals at Kijabe Hospital, Kenya. They also gathered to break ground for an additional classroom wing as they opened a new one. The new building, named Halestrap building, is in honour of their former Education Director, Dr. Pete Halestrap, who had to return to the UK for health reasons.
Amelia* serves in West Africa, sharing the gospel with those in a region that is very opposed to the message of Jesus Christ. Pray that the Lord would help her to navigate the ups and downs of life there: the frustration of not being able to express herself; of feeling like she’s not making the progress she should; of never being quite sure what cultural foible she’s on the edge of making. Pray that she would know how best to study and what to focus on in each language lesson. Thank the Lord for a couple of lessons a week with a new energetic language helper, for kind neighbours, and for a new group of women she met recently who patiently endured talking to her despite her garbled language! *Name changed for security reasons
In a creative access location, Beth* has the joy of reaching out to many with the love of Jesus through language teaching and daily befriending. The Christmas tree in her office has sparked good conversations. “Teacher, why is there a star?” gave the opportunity to listen to the story in Matthew’s Gospel with one student. This led to a request to listen to the account of the death of Jesus. Having heard that, she asked “How could the people not believe in Him when they saw everything he did?” Please ask for her eyes to see who the Son really is. *Name changed for security reasons
Elle* is part of a medical ministry team on the Indian Ocean Islands. They are grateful they were spared the worst of the recent cyclone and are unaware of any badly injured in their area. Christmas there is a strange season, as no-one is celebrating the season or the incarnation. The recent translation of Matthew’s Gospel into the local language has given Elle the opportunity to start sharing the story from this account, and she had some good discussions about the meanings of the names Jesus and Emmanuel. *Name changed for security reasons
Happy Christmas
Praise the Lord for coming as one of us at great cost to himself. Pray for those who have gone to make him known to others and are far away from family and loved ones. Pray too for those on home assignment, that this will be a precious time catching up with family.