Helping you and your church share the good news of Jesus with African peoples who have the least opportunity to hear.

Fulɓe woman

Fulɓe of Guinea

People group





99.99% Islam

Main Religion

Christ-centred churches among African peoples

Our heart is to see Christ-centred churches among African peoples, with a priority on unreached people groups.

The work is diverse, from outreach workers, church planters, medical professionals and support personnel; there are so many ways to be involved. 

Like a family we care and support those who serve, in partnership with our generous supporters, who faithfully give and pray for our missionaries, the peoples of Africa, and for the gospel to transform lives.

quotation mark
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”


28% of Africa is still unreached with the gospel.

Of Africa’s people, 41% are Muslim.​

Africa will make up 54% of the global population by 2050.​

Partnering with churches...

David Whitehouse, Vicar, St Andrew’s Leyland
David Whitehouse, Vicar, St Andrew’s Leyland
AIM has inspired and equipped us to deepen our commitment to those unreached with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Tim Parker, Vicar,  St Mary’s East Leake
Tim Parker, Vicar, St Mary’s East Leake
A mission organisation, who are effective in helping the gospel take root in unreached people groups, and whose sense of identity has a surprising resonance with our own in rural England.
Andy Paterson, Pastor, Charlotte Chapel
Andy Paterson, Pastor, Charlotte Chapel
AIM has insight, wisdom and passion for reaching and discipling the peoples of Africa. They do this with humility and in partnership with local churches.
Mike Smailes, Associate Minister, Lansdowne Church
Mike Smailes, Associate Minister, Lansdowne Church
Working with AIM has enabled us to engage creatively as a church in partnership to see the gospel go to unreached peoples.
David Whitehouse, Vicar, St Andrew’s Leyland
David Whitehouse, Vicar, St Andrew’s Leyland
It has been good for us to be drawn into deeper partnership with those who have a wide and deep experience of world mission and from whom we’ve been able to learn much.
An inner-city church in the East Midlands
An inner-city church in the East Midlands
Working in partnership with AIM has motivated our church to get more involved with the African community within the local estate.
George Hawkins, Senior Minister, Beeston Free Church
George Hawkins, Senior Minister, Beeston Free Church
As a church, we love partnering with AIM in sending and supporting mission partners. Global mission works best when sending churches and mission agencies work in close partnership.
Tim Parker, Vicar,  St Mary’s East Leake
Tim Parker, Vicar, St Mary’s East Leake
The challenges faced by village churches in England can seem overwhelming. That is why we were so encouraged by AIM who also focus on the most challenging of mission fields in Africa.
Mike Smailes, Associate Minister, Lansdowne Church
Mike Smailes, Associate Minister, Lansdowne Church
More of the church is engaged with mission and God is using this to provoke some to consider long term service themselves. This has been an exciting time and partnership with AIM is proving critical.
George Hawkins, Senior Minister, Beeston Free Church
George Hawkins, Senior Minister, Beeston Free Church
The partnership with AIM is one that we treasure at Beeston Free, valuing their wisdom, expertise, pastoral care of missionaries and passion to see Jesus known by the nations.
Tim Parker, Vicar,  St Mary’s East Leake
Tim Parker, Vicar, St Mary’s East Leake
AIM seek to foster close fellowship and community among all who serve with them. Setting a high bar when it comes to the care and support of missionaries both at home and abroad.
An inner-city church in the East Midlands
An inner-city church in the East Midlands
The sharing of ideas and prayer support has greatly encouraged us and the provision of personnel with expertise and knowledge has been invaluable.

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