Daily prayers
AIM Vision
Our passion, as AIM, is to see the worship of Jesus Christ spread among Africans around the globe – through individual lives fully committed to him, and collectively through Christ-centred churches. Pray for African churches you know as they gather to worship today. Pray for us in AIM, as we seek to ensure all we are doing is effectively supporting this vision.
The Antakarana
The Antakarana settled in the far north of Madagascar in the 12th C. with the town of Ambatoharanana considered their capital. Their history means that they have not accessed the scriptures available in the Merina dialect. SIL are in the process of translating the Scriptures into this dialect. Pray the Antakarana would have ears to hear the Good News in their own language. Pray for those who heard the gospel story in the run up to Christmas and have since travelled to see family, that they will continue to seek and to hear the message of Christ.
The Somali Bible Society have an ambitious plan to train 5,000 evangelists to reach 250,000 adult Somalis around the Horn and Kenya. This strategy/vision is for the 10-year period 2025-2034. Pray that the Lord would guide these plans for the extension of His Kingdom and for His glory and that He would thrust out workers into this harvest field.
Amelia* serves in West Africa, sharing the gospel with those in a region that is very opposed to the message of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for new believers amongst the groups in the South and that some of them in the capital have been fasting and praying for the majority people group. There are many reasons why it would be hard for the good news to spread from one group to the other, but as the Spirit leads people to love when they have only received prejudice and oppression, might that be the very thing that causes this country to crack wide open? Pray for healing and forgiveness, and a compelling vision for a unified church that draws in men and women from every area of society.
Pray Africa
The Amazigh of North Africa are the original inhabitants of the land. They are often called the Berbers. Amazigh means ‘free men’. Many were once Christian. St. Augustine of Hippo was Amazigh. Ask for deliverance for those ensnared by magic charms, and false prophets who say ‘peace when there is no peace.’ (Ezekiel 13) Pray that they will know the Lord, that the white-washed flimsy refuge of Islam would be swept away, exposed as worthless and empty. We pray for many to hear the truth of the gospel and receive true peace with God through the cross.
North Africa
One of our affiliates is in North Africa this week to teach English. Today they have been invited to the home of a local student – the first time this has happened. Pray for an opportunity for a clear sharing of the universally amazing good news, and hearts ready to receive it.
Workers’ conference
Pray for the conference taking place from 10-14 February which a number of our missionaries are attending. Pray for good logistics, organization, fellowship, and for the Lord to speak to His people! They are looking forward to being able to sing with others and sit under the ministry of God’s Word. Venue and topic are not broadcast widely because of the sensitive nature of the focus.
Pray for AIM as, united by Christ’s love, we welcome labourers from many nations and cultures to step out into cross-cultural ministry and find their place in the Great Commission. Pray that wherever we minister, we would follow the model and teaching of Jesus as we walk in humility and build relationships in our communities. As we serve on diverse teams, and in collaboration with varied ministry partners, pray that we would be giving testimony to the truth and beauty of the Body of Christ.
Rift Valley Academy
Please pray for the Senior Students as they prepare to leave Rift Valley Academy. They are spending this weekend preparing for this transition. Pray for Sarah Power as she leads a session on Spiritual Transitions and for Chris Power as he preaches from Mark 4.