Daily prayers

Rebecca Welsh

Rebecca Welsh teaches chemistry and broader science at Rift Valley Academy, (RVA) Kenya. Thank the Lord for the relationships she has built with staff and students so far. Pray for these to deepen and that she will be able to find a good balance of teaching, coaching, weekend activities, and rest. Pray too for a quick and full recovery after she fell and shattered her elbow.

Africa’s unreached people

Pray for all involved with AIM to be compelled by Christ’s love to pray for, love, and proclaim the Gospel to Africa’s unreached people. Pray that our sufficiency, hope and ministry would flow from our relationship with Christ. Pray that we would serve by His grace and strength and submit to His will.

Hannah Jackson

Hannah Jackson is the Assistant Child Safety Officer for AIM. Along with other mission agencies, international Christian schools and faith-based NGOs, Africa Inland Mission is a member of the Child Safety Protection Network. Pray for Hannah to learn well as she attends the CSPN response training course and regional conference. Ask for all participants to learn about realistic and practical steps they can take to promote awareness, safety and resilience for children in Africa. Pray too for Hannah and Cath as they deliver a child safety training session at AIM’s Africa Based Orientation in January with new missionaries and their children, as part of their preparation for serving all over the continent.


Open Doors reports that violence against Christians in Sudan has spiraled since civil war broke out in April 2023. Sudan was making progress towards religious freedom but now with the war this is threatened to reverse. At least 165 churches have been forcibly closed and others destroyed. Pray that true religious freedom would come to Sudan.

Annemarie Boks

Annemarie Boks works in Adi, DR Congo as Director of an AIDS Awareness Program, and with the Bethsaida project, which finances education and training for children orphaned by AIDS. Pray for the handover of her work to Ayila as Annemarie prepares to retire this year. Pray too for the provision of a home in Zoetermeer near her parents and home church.

Claudia Middendorf

Claudia Middendorf serves the local church in Beira, Mozambique, in leadership training. Pray for good preparation for the seminars and training courses she will be holding in the coming year and the new Bible Study at her home with new participants – Francisco and Luisa.

Matthias Schilling

Matthias Schilling was part of an Inbound Team in Torit, South Sudan, training for long-term mission in Africa and is now on Home Assignment with his new wife Maam, who served in an AIM TIMO Team before getting married. They currently expect to be in Belgium for the next four or so years, after which they are hoping to return to the mission field. They want to use their time in Belgium to make God’s name known among all peoples. They hope to be part of an outreach in their city, and to live intentionally as salt and light among their workmates, classmates and neighbours. They look forward to opening their home and creating a place of peace and blessing for many. Please pray that they would keep this in mind always and never lose focus on it!


In partnership with the local church, Sandrine shares the love of Jesus with North African immigrants in Montréal, Canada. Praise the Lord for the 80 people they welcomed to the Children’s Club family Christmas Party. All clearly heard the gospel and more than half were of Muslim origin. Three families came to the Christmas party and meal organized by the church. Pray the Lord will draw these dear ones to himself in the coming year.

Mix and Katie Miner

Mix and Katie Miner serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA). RVA is AIM’s boarding school which supports missionaries across Africa. They are very grateful for their supporters’ financial partnership allowing them to stay focused on their work. Sadly, some of their colleagues have had to suddenly leave the school and return to their sending region mid-school year to raise funds, which causes disruption and difficulty.

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