Daily prayers
Zillah Whitehouse
Zillah Whitehouse serves as a Physiotherapist at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology, working alongside national colleagues in treatment, training and discipleship. Praise God for the opportunity to teach a course on worldviews and ethics to the physiotherapy students as part of their curriculum and be able to have deep conversations on the concepts of truth and belief. Pray for the finalist students at the university who are attending a training course to help them study the Bible and think about ways in which their faith will impact their life after campus. Ask that they will be prepared to stand firm in the challenges ahead and consider where God may want them to work as a witness for him.
Mix and Katie Miner
Mix and Katie Miner serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA). Katie is making sure that students who need help in different areas, like feeling lonely or having troubles with their peers, are cared for. It is a challenging, but vital role. She visited an orphanage called Valley Light, where her sister-in-law works. It is located near a major truck stop on the road to Uganda. Truck stops mean a lot of drugs, alcohol, and prostitution. This leads to babies being discarded in the ditch by the road. It is heartbreakingly dark, but the orphanage lives up to its name: bringing light to the valley.
Safina Street Network
Safina Street Network is an outreach working with vulnerable children and young people in Tanzania. Praise the Lord for their new Director of Ministry, Nicholaus Duma, who with the help of Safina, was able to leave living on the streets, complete his school education, and obtain a bachelor’s degree in social work. He has been working for Safina since 2013. His vision and prayer is to support staff so they can give children and young people the best possible care, spiritually, psychologically, educationally, and physically, all with a godly upbringing. He hopes that they will become responsible and independent young people with a bright future. Just as the Lord has done in his life.
Expression of our Mission
Pray that we at AIM would indeed be serving and equipping the church of Jesus Christ to make disciples of the peoples of Africa: partnering with churches, reaching Africa’s unreached.
Though animism/ancestor worship is the dominant religious practice among the Antanosy, praise the Lord for those who have heard about Jesus Christ and received the gift of salvation. Despite being in a remote location where there’s very little evangelism, pray that those who have found Christ and follow him would continue to grow through the work of the Holy Spirit. Pray for missionaries, especially for Malagasy believers, to answer the call to missions! Ask the Lord to send his people to serve and reach more Antanosy; pray for a church planting team and for a Bible translation project to begin.
As Ramadan begins, pray for open hearts and many fruitful conversations about Jesus with those who don’t yet know him. For further prayer fuel from one of our teams working in a Muslim region, follow this link: https://theislands.pray4movement.org/
Paul and Elizabeth Makau
Paul and Elizabeth Makau work at Africa International University in Nairobi, Kenya; a Christian university providing Christ-centred leadership training to church leaders so that they can transform their communities. Thank God for many people coming to know the Lord in the Lependera area in northern Kenya, where a church was planted last year. Pray that they will grow and become disciples who lead others to Christ. Pray especially for the upcoming training of four believers (women) as Sunday school teachers and women’s fellowship leaders. The trainers are missionary trainees who will be using interpreters as they don’t speak the same language as the Lependera believers. Pray for the trainees, trainers and the program which will take place from 24th February to 3rd March.
Earlier this month a small team was finalizing plans for this year’s East Midlands Community Outreach Week (August 2nd to 10th). Please pray for the Lord’s help in preparation for this gospel opportunity. Pray too for the development of an internet/social media ministry aimed at people from the Horn and North Africa who have settled in the UK. This is being undertaken by a group of people from different churches and one of our Borderless team members is involved.
The island of Mayotte is still recovering after the devastation caused by cyclone Chido. There is widespread damage and it will take a long time to get back to normal. Telephone lines are down and there is no Wi-Fi connection. Many buildings lost their roofs and are now covered with tarpaulins while the owners wait for insurance companies to visit. The AIM team is thankful that the bookshop and their car are both intact, despite three other vehicles in the car park being damaged when iron sheeting landed on them. The bookshop is now open again, but Shimaore classes have not yet re-started as the building where classes were held has no roof and people are still occupied trying to get their lives back in order. Please pray for the island and those who have lost everything, that the Lord will use this disaster and turn it into something that will bring Him glory.