Stories of Africa’s people

Discover how God is working through the lives of ordinary people to extend his kingdom. Read stories from Africa's people and missionaries, sent from around the world, as they seek to share the good news with those who have yet to hear it.

A muddled mix

Chris & Fiona Tyrrell went to Rwanda in 2009 to teach English in a Bible college. However, during 2010 they caught a vision to reach out to Rwanda’s ‘Historically Marginalised People’. Here they share how a new methodology is helping to reach this people group and others across Rwanda.

A day in the life of an Ik child

The unreached Ik people live in northeast Uganda, perched on the edge of the great Rift Valley. Terrill Schrock gives us this insight into a typical day for an Ik child.

Medics in Mandritsara

Katy Linley works at Good News Hospital in Mandritsara on the island of Madagascar. One of her's and husband Mat’s recent prayer letters gives us a glimpse into some of the challenges that she faces in her work.

Reaching the unreached Karimojong

AIM’s desire for the Karimojong of Uganda is for them to be set free from darkness; to be set free from the bondage of destructive traditions; and to be transformed into the full measure of Christ.

Communications: Mobilising Mission

This week’s prayer requests come from the whole of the Nottingham office, but in this article, Lindsey Davies takes the opportunity briefly to share about the work of the Communications Department.

New ministries amongst the unreached in Chad

In August a team will begin work amongst the unreached Maba people of eastern Chad. The team will be lead by Ann Fursdon and includes Catherine Grier and the Bright family from Canada. We asked Ann and Catherine to share their thoughts on this upcoming team.

Standing on the ridge – praying for the Ik

We’re getting ready to send a Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team to the Ik. As we share news of preparations, will you consider your part in reaching the unreached Ik with the gospel?

What does Community Development mean?

We asked Graeme & Eli Mallett to discuss their thoughts on ‘community development’ as they adjust to life and ministry in Mahajanga, Madagascar.

Lesotho – Growing Nations update

Working on an agricultural project in Lesotho is hardly where you would expect to find a photographer and an accountant, but this is where the Lord called Barry & Heather Mann to serve.

Beyond everyday life

Dawn works among the women on an Indian Ocean Island, seeking to share Jesus with them and the freedom there is in knowing him.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.