Pray for creation care prayer guide

Malcolm Duncan focuses on seven areas to help you and your church pray for our relationship with creation and the gospel. “Pray for…” is designed to enrich your prayer life and help you engage more deeply with various topics.

Malcolm Duncan leads Dundonald Elim Church. He is an author, chairs Elim’s Ethics and Public Theology Task Force and is Theologian-in-Residence for Spring Harvest and Essential Christian. Malcolm is husband to Debbie and father to four adult children.

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Prayer from AIM’s Daily Prayer:

 “In Lesotho spring has arrived. A time of new beginnings with renewed hope for a good season ahead. We are all praying that the farmers of Lesotho are blessed with plenty of timely rain and sunshine this agricultural year, which will help crops to be planted on time and grow to their maximum potential. With over 60% of the people in Lesotho currently reliant on food aid, the harvest next year in April-July will be critical to the survival of many. We are praying that people will see and understand the benefits of Farming God’s Way through all of this and turn to God rather than worshipping the spirits of their ancestors, in line with one of Growing Nations key Bible teaching verses: “…if my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14” Please pray for a good harvest in the coming year, and that people in Lesotho will turn to God for his provision.

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