Short term
Get in touch…
If you would like to take the next step in mission, and you are interested in a mission trip, please feel free to contact us. If you are interested in a specific country, project or ministry, please let us know.
Short term teams
Our short term teams are designed to allow you either to work in partnership with long term missionaries or to work with and support the local African church. You’ll get a real insight into missionary life. Our training teams combine cross cultural training with practical experience that can help to start your journey into long term ministry. You can join a team on your own or go as group from your church.
Individual placements
If you want to get involved in a specific ministry, then our individual placements – which last up to one year – could be perfect for you as a way to consider long term ministry. Maybe you’ve got a particular skill, like teaching or nursing, and feel that God is calling you to use that in Africa, or maybe you are a Bible College student. You will be living alongside long term missionaries and be immersed into African life. Why not go, and be excited by all that God is doing in Africa.
Healthcare electives
If you have the opportunity to take a medical elective, and you are thinking of using your skills long term, we have a limited number of places each year where you can experience healthcare and mission working hand in hand. You will build relationships with local Christians, healthcare workers and patients, learning about their lives and their culture. You will also have the opportunity to attend a local church.
Teaching opportunities
There are so many ways that you can get involved in teaching in Africa. If you are a qualified teacher we have placements available in missionary schools, homes and organisations. Teachers fulfil vital roles, supporting ministries and missionaries who are seeking to reach the unreached with the gospel.
If you have a qualification in teaching English as a second language, why not use that skill to reach others? Serving short term in teaching can be the start of your long term desire to serve the Lord.

Join an Ignite Team in Madagascar

Short Term - Fuel Training Programme, Madagascar

Short Term - Karamoja Team

Business Placement in West Africa

Short Term - Diaspora Apprenticeship in Rome

Diaspora teams in France

Teach international students in Kenya

Teaching in Chad

Diaspora Outreach Worker, South London UK

Community Outreach Week Team – UK Diaspora

Mobilising refugee outreach in northern Uganda

Outreach intern in northern Kenya

Short term doctors in North Africa

Short term doctors in Madagascar

Nursing and midwifery in Madagascar

Medical electives at Kijabe Hospital

Missions advocate in DR Congo

Teach English in Mozambique

Secondary school teacher in Uganda

Short term - church teams
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