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Serving and following

Sent through Calvary Ministries Worldwide (Capro), West African francophone missionaries Albert and Janet have worked alongside the AIM team on the Indian Ocean Islands. Albert shares their story...

Directed by dreams

We have prayed and prayed for women on this Island. Now God is giving his followers courage through their dreams to share his gospel with other women. Would you pray with us that this would be the start of an inpouring of Island women into the kingdom?

Interest in Jesus

Paul tells us about some of the men who have studied at the English Centre and their reactions to reading the Bible.

Guided to go

After a short term assignment in Chad, Paul recently returned to begin long term ministry, teaching English and sharing the gospel. He explains how God has guided him through the years.

How has God led you?

Ann has been a missionary for 33 years. She explains how God has led her, over the years, to where she is now. 

What can I do?

Jean-Philippe is an Assistant Professor in France. For years he dreamed of being a missionary doctor but God called him to work in a secular French university hospital. His desire to get involved with mission didn’t end though. He kept asking God, ‘What can I do?’ 

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.