Why bother with Church Development?
The importance of church development and the role that the Institute of Bible and Ministry has to play in supporting the Tanzanian church to grow in knowledge and depth of insight.
We long to see African churches communicate the gospel in all its fullness, responding to the lies on offer, and building up believers who will in turn, reach out to their communities. There is a great need to equip African church leaders, preachers and evangelists so that they can serve their churches well and be apart of reaching the unreached through biblical teaching and Christlike discipleship.
“Wherever theological and biblical training exists, it should always seek to serve the church to participate in God’s mission in this world.”
Equipping African church leaders often involves teaching at Bible and theological colleges. The Institute of Bible and Ministry at Sanga Sanga, Tanzania aims to enable, mobilise and inspire pastors and evangelists into a deeper relationship with God so that they can effectively lead their churches. Christian universities such as Shalom University in Bunia, DR Congo, teach theology as part of courses in other subjects, training students in applying what they believe to their professional work.
Wherever theological and biblical training exists, it should always seek to serve the church to participate in God’s mission in this world—it is about following Jesus, learning from him, growing to be like him, and so becoming fishers of men wherever he sends. Could you play a part in this important work?
The importance of church development and the role that the Institute of Bible and Ministry has to play in supporting the Tanzanian church to grow in knowledge and depth of insight.
One of the reasons we’re passionate about teaching God’s Word and engaging in discipleship, is to help combat false teaching, like this story about the Holy Spirit in Africa, and other false teaching which abounds in many churches, not just here in Africa, but around the world.
We serve at Sofala Bible Institute in Beira, Mozambique, and minister in a local church through discipleship and teaching.
I work at the Seminário Teológico Evangélico de Nampula (INTENA) in Mozambique, where I teach and train pastors and church workers.
I serve at Tilsley College in Motherwell, teaching and equipping students to be involved in mission.
From 2013-2020 the Lancasters worked with the Institute of Bible & Ministry under the Africa Inland Church Tanzania.