Stories of Africa’s people

Discover how God is working through the lives of ordinary people to extend his kingdom. Read stories from Africa's people and missionaries, sent from around the world, as they seek to share the good news with those who have yet to hear it.

Transformed by God’s Word

When I first met João, he was in a church entrenched in ancestor veneration and polygamy. He was young, respectful and asked penetrating questions in the committee meetings we both attended.

Do we still need to go?

Tim and Beth’s passion to encourage healthy churches and strong families has led them to spend many years in Mozambique...

Is theology really relevant?

What should the role of theology be in our lives? For so many people, theology seems dead, boring, irrelevant, maybe a little bit contrived or just too academic. I really want to rehabilitate the way that people think about theology...

Into the desert

The isolated San communities that live on the edge of the Kalahari have long been a forgotten and easily overlooked people group. 

Finding Jesus through the Bible

John and Alma Baker, with their daughter, Anya, live on Mayotte where they are involved in church planting and working alongside the expatriate church. We asked them what role the Bible plays in evangelising to Muslims?

Working in partnership

How can we best work with Africans to develop a theological understanding of mission? We asked Tony Swanson, our African Mobilisation Consultant.

“Jesus speaks Turkana!”

“Jesus speaks Turkana!” exclaimed a woman while watching the Jesus Film in a mostly Turkana area of Maralal, Kenya.

Lessons in sharing faith

We asked Amelia to share what she has learnt about sharing her faith over the 13 years she has lived on an island in the Indian Ocean, and how important it is to understand other people's faith before sharing your own.

The theology of suffering

Jesus makes plain that in this world we will have trouble, face many difficulties, and persecutions too. As we take up our cross and follow Jesus, the world will hate us because we do not belong to this world. And yet Jesus also tells us that we can have peace, for Jesus has overcome the world!

To set the captives free

There is only one psychiatrist in Chad, so very few patients in the area where Ann lives and works have received help. With only five mission workers in a people group of over 300,000 too, very few have met a follower of Jesus.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.