Pray for global mission

How should we pray for ourselves and others? Every day our staff, and the pastors and missionaries who join us, hear an opening prayer shaped by Luke 10:2. ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ We shape our prayers around this verse, to help us remain focused on the task we have been called to. Praying through scripture helps us to be shaped by God’s heart, to have our eyes opened to his work in the world and to be challenged to see how God has placed us to work out his purposes.

We know that when we pray God is not only moving our hearts wherever we are, but he is also directing people’s lives, shaping cultures, opening doors and equipping those he is calling. God’s sovereignty, power and might give us confidence to pray prayers that go beyond our understanding of the means to achieve them, or the cost to individuals and churches to see him fulfil them. Our prayers are to see God raise up people ready to cross-cultures and share the good news. So, let us pray through some of Scripture together to help us broaden our prayers, and move from our day-to-day concerns, to praying for God to reach our communities, churches and every nation.

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Prayer from AIM’s Daily Prayer:

Edward* serves in a closed country where there are very few Christians. Give thanks for a good start to the new academic year, and for stability at the university. Pray for boldness to share with students. After feeling prompted by the Spirit to ask Andrew* to read some Scripture with him, they had an incredible time reading John 6. Andrew* asked what it might feel like when God calls us and gives us faith, as if he was considering that it could be happening to him. Pray for the Lord to give Andrew* faith.

*Names changed for security reasons

Chris and Sarah Power are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA), and Sarah teaches at RVA. They feel the Lord leading them to new roles in Germany – Chris as the HR Manager at Black Forest Academy and Sarah as a coach for missionaries and support for families on the mission field. Pray for a sense of peace and for faith during this year of transition and that the Lord would provide for their financial needs. Pray that their children would be able to make the most of the last two terms of school at RVA.

Dawn* works to bring the gospel to unreached peoples in the Indian Ocean Islands. She is rejoicing in 5 new team members on their island, 4 of whom are African. Pray for their language learning and friendships as they navigate cultural adjustments in the coming weeks.

*Name changed for security reasons

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