Pray for the unreached Zigua people

Who are the Zigua people?

The Zigua are found in a small coastal region in northeastern Tanzania, near to to Dar-es-Salaam. Numbering around 631,000 they are part of the Bantu linguistic group with their own language called Zigula. Like many Bantu people the Zigua can trace their history back thousands of years, with their history recounting the story of their flight east to the coast of Tanzania as they avoided the slave trade. Today many Zigua are involved in the farming and harvesting of sisal, which is cultivated for its fibre used in ropes and mats.

What do they believe?

In 2011 the Africa Inland Church Tanzania (AICT) Bagamoyo carried out research among the Zigua of KomSanga village and found them to be absolutely unreached with the gospel. One hundred percent of the village claim to be Muslim. There is no primary or secondary school, water source or medical clinic in the village. The Zigua live desperately in need of both social and spiritual help.

What is being done to reach them?

The first step was for AIM to send a two-year Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team into the area in September 2017 led by AIM team leaders (Jeremy & Leah Krahn), three AIM households and two AICT families. The team worked together to meet some of the physical and social needs in the community, including building a small school as way of introducing the gospel message and sharing the love of Christ. Team members are now continuting that ministry.

Prayer from AIM’s Daily Prayer:

The Zigua of Tanzania. shares: “Praise the Lord for the Zigua people, who are beginning to soften to the gospel. Pray that the Lord will raise up some brave souls who will lead the others in rejecting Islam and clinging to Christ. Pray for the Good Shepherd to minister to them, leading them into His fold and keeping them safe in His hand.”

The Zigua live in a small coastal region in northeast Tanzania, near to Dar-es-Salaam. writes, “Pray for a Christian couple who are sharing the gospel among the Zigua people. Pray that through them many Zigua will come to know Christ and become his faithful disciples and followers. Pray that many churches can be started among the Zigua people, and that they will leave behind their former religion and ways. Pray that all their focus will be on the Lord Jesus Christ.”

The Zigua live in a small coastal region in north-eastern Tanzania. Recently, shared this prayer request: “Pray for the entire community as a whole to understand their sin before the holy God. So often we have conversations ending with our neighbours thinking they are pretty good people and that they are able to pay for their “minuscule” sins without a Saviour. Pray that God would make individuals aware of their standing before him and that he would then lead them to the cross. Jesus came not for the healthy, but for the sick.”

Prayer from

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