Pray for the unreached Fulani people

Who are the Fulani people?

The Fulani in Western Niger are sometimes called “Gorgaabe”, meaning “People of the West”. The majority of them have settled in and around towns and cities in the Departments of Niamey and Dosso, some have become farmers, although owning cattle is still a key part of their ethnic identity. Fulani culture places a high value on self-control and on a certain stoicism which does not allow any demonstration of weakness. When one Fulani wants to express friendship towards another, he will lend him a cow. The person receiving the cow takes care of it until it has a calf, and then he returns it to the owner. 

What do they believe?

The Fulani are overwhelmingly Muslim; however, their traditional pre-Islamic rituals and beliefs are still followed today and only vaguely linked with Islam. Although it’s not fully understood, Islam is part of their ethnic identity, and it has been said that it is not possible to be Christian and Fulani at the same time.

What is being done to reach them?

A joint Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team which started in May 2016 has been sent by AIM and SIM to the Fulani of Niger. The vision is to see Fulani families hear and respond to the gospel and establish a Fulani Church, where Fulani can worship the Lord and hear God’s word taught in their own language. The team have already seen a few Fulani come to know Christ.

Prayer from AIM’s Daily Prayer:

Pray for the Fulani in Niger. The Sahel region is desperate for rain to water the ground, herds and people. Please pray for rain on this land and also for spiritual rain of the Holy Spirit on the hearts of the Fulani, as they hear the gospel preached. Pray that they would see that all else this world has to offer is ashes compared to Christ and that He will give them the strength to follow him, despite cultural and social barriers to giving up the local religion and following Jesus.   

Today we pray for Angele serving among the Fulani people in West Africa. Recently local believers have experienced increased spiritual attack. Pray for Angele as she completes her week of fasting and prayer with her team as they seek God’s wisdom and discernment in how to support them. 

The unreached Fulani people live in West Africa. Praise God that there are some Fulani believers who have gone to Bible School for theological training! Please pray for those who are thinking about how God wants them to use their training in the future, and whether God is calling them to help local Fulani churches. 

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