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Pray for African Diaspora prayer guide

This guide focuses on areas to help you and your church pray for the African diaspora living in the UK and Europe. “Pray for…” is designed to enrich your prayer life and help you engage more deeply with various topics.

Also Included: The UK government recently announced the Rwanda Asylum Plan. Under this plan, some asylum seekers who cross the Channel to the UK will be given a one-way ticket to Rwanda, with the pilot scheme focusing on single men arriving on boats or lorries. This resource also includes a number of prayers to help you reflect and pray for those effected by this new plan.

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Prayer from AIM’s Daily Prayer:

Pray for God to provide more volunteers to join AIM Borderless’ Community Outreach Week team from 3rd – 11th August 2024. A Midlands city centre church is seeking to reach out to the diverse community on their doorstep. The church hopes to reach their local community from a North African background, and they have asked Borderless to provide a team to help them run a special events week. Pray that God will bless the practical planning of this week and that the team will have enough volunteers to run the week and share the gospel with African people in the UK. Could you join the team? Find out more here

Pray for our Borderless workers, working among African diaspora communities across the UK. Pray for the women’s literacy and sewing classes occurring in a UK city in the weeks leading up to Easter. Pray for the teachers and students as they explore the reason for Easter. Pray that these students will continue to attend these classes and find fellowship and gospel discussion, despite Ramadan being a time when attendance tends to decline. 

Pray for one of AIM’s Borderless (AIM’s ministry seeking to support and disciple African peoples in the UK and around the world) workers who are mourning the passing away of their father-in-law. Pray for strength for them and for the Lord to comfort them and their family and remind them that Jesus ‘…heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” (Psalm 147.3). 

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Type: Prayer Sheets

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