Pray for African Diaspora prayer guide

This guide focuses on areas to help you and your church pray for the African diaspora living in the UK and Europe. “Pray for…” is designed to enrich your prayer life and help you engage more deeply with various topics.

Also Included: The UK government recently announced the Rwanda Asylum Plan. Under this plan, some asylum seekers who cross the Channel to the UK will be given a one-way ticket to Rwanda, with the pilot scheme focusing on single men arriving on boats or lorries. This resource also includes a number of prayers to help you reflect and pray for those effected by this new plan.

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Prayer from AIM’s Daily Prayer:

Praise the Lord for the following encouragement for some of our diaspora workers. A lovely letter was received from the Headmistress of the school attended by the children whose mums have come to the ‘Kids Matter’ parenting course. The aim of the course is to help the mums (nearly all of whom come from North Africa) work through the challenges of parenting kids who are being schooled in a completely different cultural setting to that of the family home. The Headmistress said: ‘It means so much to all of us at the school that you have given your time and energy to help make a real difference to these families. We believe that all these initiatives are strengthening the parents and children to live their family life with more love and understanding for one another.’

Praise the Lord for His continued provision of volunteers and students for the Women’s English and Sewing classes amongst the African Diaspora in Cardiff. Please pray for additional volunteers in order to restart the childcare program for pre-school aged children of ladies who attend the English classes. Last month they started a new coffee/tea time following the English Classes to deepen a sense of community, enabling ladies to meet other teachers and students while using English. Pray for wisdom as they continue to develop a suitable curriculum for both English and Sewing classes, incorporating opportunities for spiritual discussion. Pray for spiritual fruit among those who attend the English and Sewing classes.

Pray for the African Diaspora, the estimated nearly 19 million Africans living off the continent of Africa – about 11 million live in Europe, some of whom maybe your near neighbours. Many of the African Diaspora come from nations that are closed to missionary outreach, so their presence in Europe, Australia, and the Americas presents a unique opportunity to share the Good News with men and women who may have never heard it in their homelands, and who may one day return to their nation of origin transformed by Christ and eager to share their new hope with their friends and family. Pray for your African neighbours and for our teams working among the African Diaspora.

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