Pray for African Diaspora prayer guide

This guide focuses on areas to help you and your church pray for the African diaspora living in the UK and Europe. “Pray for…” is designed to enrich your prayer life and help you engage more deeply with various topics.

Also Included: The UK government recently announced the Rwanda Asylum Plan. Under this plan, some asylum seekers who cross the Channel to the UK will be given a one-way ticket to Rwanda, with the pilot scheme focusing on single men arriving on boats or lorries. This resource also includes a number of prayers to help you reflect and pray for those effected by this new plan.

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Prayer from AIM’s Daily Prayer:

In partnership with the local church, Sandrine shares the love of Jesus with North African immigrants in Montréal, Canada. Praise the Lord for the 80 people they welcomed to the Children’s Club family Christmas Party. All clearly heard the gospel and more than half were of Muslim origin. Three families came to the Christmas party and meal organized by the church. Pray the Lord will draw these dear ones to himself in the coming year.

Give thanks with one of AIM Europe’s Borderless workers for a small church group who go door to door in a multi-cultural area in London, offering prayer and sharing the gospel. Ask God to continue giving them boldness though the Holy SpirIt and that those opening their doors would be touched by the love of Christ shown to them, would receive prayer and be happy to hear more about the gospel. Pray for protection over this group and that God will sow seeds in many hearts through this ministry. 

Give thanks for the activities, interactions and gospel conversations which have taken place at the AIM Borderless’ Community Outreach Week that concludes today. AIM workers and volunteers have been supporting a Midlands city centre church to reach out to the diverse community on their doorstep, including many people from a North African background. Pray for a good ending to the week for everyone involved. Pray that each person who attended the activities and classes hosted over the past week will continue to be moved by the love shown to them by Christians and that this will soften their hearts to consider exploring more about Jesus. Pray that God will bless each friendship made and that the team will be given the capacity and opportunity to follow up on conversations and interactions, long after this week concludes. 

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Type: Prayer Sheets

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