6 December 2024

Annemarie Boks

Annemarie Boks works in Adi, DR Congo as a Director of an Aids Awareness Program and works with the Bethesda project, which supports children who have been orphaned by their parents dying of the consequences of Aids by helping them pay for their school fees. Ask God to comfort the three children Bethsaida supported through school, who failed their exams in October. One of them has had the courage to accept the project’s offer to return to school again for a second year, however, the other two students have exhausted the three-year support the project could offer them. Pray that God will bless the teaching and studies of the one student returning to school, that she will pass next time. Pray for God to provide the means for the Bethsaida project to be able to support more children and young people for longer periods of time. 

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