Physiotherapy In Uganda

Lydia Morrell had just graduated from the University of Ulster with a degree in Physiotherapy when she left Northern Ireland to go on Short Term mission to Uganda. Here she shares her experiences:

My typical week in Uganda was spent at Mbarara Regional Hospital at the physiotherapy department working mainly with the inpatients, seeing lots of different conditions; strokes, HIV, TB, fractures and burns.

I also worked alongside the physiotherapy department at Mbarara University and built up relationships with the students, especially the third-years as they were on placement at the hospital while I was there. Getting to know them and spend time with them was probably one of the highlights of my time in Mbarara, as they are such great young people.

Now I’m back in the UK, I can see how much my confidence has grown with this experience, in treating patients, but also with communicating with people of a different culture, and with a language barrier as well. I have learnt that you can never take for granted the use of actions in trying to explain to people what you mean.

I would definitely encourage anyone to go on a short-term mission trip. You will get to experience another culture, learn new things, and grow in your relationship with God as he challenges you to step out in your faith. At the beginning of my journey back home, on the bus trip to Kampala, I was asked to stand up and pray for the safety of our journey before the bus departed. I thought this was amazing …it really challenged me of what we take for granted back home.

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