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Tony and Cath Swanson

Sent from Worthing Tabernacle Church

Tony and Cath serve in Nairobi, Kenya. Tony is Regional Executive Officer (REO) for AIM Eastern Region and Cath is AIM’s Child Safety Officer.

Before Tony and Cath started serving with AIM, Tony worked as a pastor and Cath as a health visitor based in West Sussex. They have been serving with AIM since 1998. For 20 years they worked alongside the Africa Inland Church in Tanzania (AICT), where Tony coordinated the Institute of Bible and Ministry (IBM) and Cath worked in HIV and children’s ministry. IBM is a multifaceted ‘on the job’ programme of teaching and dynamic interaction which aims to ‘enable, mobilise and inspire’ church leaders to a closer walk with the Lord and increased effectiveness in ministry. In 2019 they moved to Kampala, Uganda to carrying on their work as AIM’s African Mobilisation Consultant and Child Safety Officer from a new location. In January 2022 the Swansons moved to Nairobi, Kenya so that Tony could take up the position of REO for AIM’s Eastern Region, directing the work of AIM in Kenya and Tanzania and overseeing the ministry of around 130 missionaries. 

The Swansons believe that the Church is God’s chosen way to bless and transform communities and the world. As Christians faithfully live as salt and light in their communities they are beacons of hope, justice, healing, revelation and living faith.

The African Church is growing, vibrant and confident in the gospel, and has tremendous untapped potential to reach the unreached with the good news of Christ. AIM created its African Mobilisation Hub to help AIM serve churches in Africa by enabling them to send their own missionaries. From 2015-2021 Tony was AIM’s African Mobilisation Consultant, coordinating the Hub’s work and ensuring that it stays focussed on its aim of seeing African Christians being sent to the mission field. Tony’s work as REO for Eastern Region builds on the mobilisation work of the Hub and taps into the networks already established.

Cath is AIM’s Child Safety Officer. AIM takes seriously its God-given responsibility towards the children of its missionaries, longing to see them develop into confident adults who know and love Jesus and can thrive in this fallen world. AIM also has several ministries among African children and recognises its responsibility towards them to ensure a high standard of conduct and care. Cath leads the Child Protection team, dealing with safeguarding issues and helping AIM to be an organisation where children are safe and cared for.

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Latest Prayer News

Tony and Cath serve in Nairobi, Kenya. Tony is the Regional Executive Officer (REO) for AIM Eastern Region and Cath is AIM’s Child Safety Officer. Praise God for the 33 people from a Muslim background who professed faith in Jesus as a result of the witness of the ‘Go Program’ team. The ‘Go Program’ aims to help equip the participants to engage in cross-cultural living and evangelism. Tony and Cath were heavily involved in leading the program and were greatly encouraged by how well each participant jumped into their mission placements – and God has reaped a harvest! Pray that each of these professing believers will hold fast to Christ amid cultural pressure to renounce their new faith.

Tony and Cath Swanson serve in Nairobi, Kenya. Tony serves as Regional Executive Officer (REO) for AIM Eastern Region and Cath is AIM’s Child Safety Officer. Pray for Cath as she attends the Child Safety and Protection Network (CSPN) training conference in the USA. Pray for safe travels and for a fruitful time of learning and sharing. Pray for Kenya as the severe drought has meant that livestock is dying by the day, discipleship programs are being cut short, and ministry is cancelled, as many local people have to look for water for their families and animals. Pray that God would send rain on Kenya to sustain the lives there*. Pray for Tony as he prepares to travel to Tanzania to preach over Easter and visits AIM missionaries to equip and encourage.  

*Support for drought/famine relief may be given through the link here. 

Tony and Cath Swanson serve in Nairobi, Kenya. Tony serves as Regional Executive Officer (REO) for AIM Eastern Region and Cath is AIM’s Child Safety Officer. Tony has recently joined a trip to northern Kenya to visit missionaries in the area. One project he saw was ‘Village of Hope’ in Dukana, a refuge for outcast Gabbra women who have been raped and then disowned by their families. Please pray that these women will grasp God’s immeasurable love for them as they are rescued from hopeless situations. 

Tony and Cath Swanson serve in Nairobi, Kenya. Tony serves as Regional Executive Officer (REO) for AIM Eastern Region and Cath is AIM’s Child Safety Officer. In his role as REO, Tony is passionate about collaborating with local churches in the region in mission. The Swansons ask that we pray for Eastern Region to develop an effective African missionary mobilising department, for input from Kenyan and Tanzanian Christians into the region’s strategy and outreach, and for opportunities to work more closely with the local church. 

Please pray for AIM’s organisation-wide leadership meetings that take place in Kenya this week. Please pray that AIM’s leaders will have hearts open to how God is leading us as an organisation, and unity as they discuss key issues. Please pray for a number of AIM Europe missionaries who will be involved in these meetings, including Annette*Chris PowerSimon, Tony and Cath Swanson, and Peter Wilson. 


Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however, unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE

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Children & Youth

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