Graeme & Eli Mallett

Sent from Frontline Church, Liverpool

The Malletts finished serving with AIM in June 2017.

The Mallett family served in Mahajanga in north west Madagascar, encouraging and working with the local church to bring the good news of the gospel to the Muslim population in the city, and to the unreached Sakalava people in the surrounding countryside.

Mahajanga is a strategic centre for the gospel. It is the only city within a 10 hour drive and contains the most important shrine for the traditional Sakalava religion. Mahajanga is also one of the centres for Islam in Madagascar and has a large and growing community of people following this religion. In particular, there is a large diaspora population from a nearby Islamic country which is closed to the gospel.

The city has a number of different churches with believers who know and love their Saviour and want to reach the lost that surround them. Many in the Malagasy church look back to past revivals and pray that God would move again in their country. A group of evangelical church pastors in the city are meeting together in a spirit of unity, looking to see God move his church forward.

The Malletts are worked with the Malagasy churches in Mahajanga to help them establish church planting ministries among the neighbouring unreached people groups and Muslims living in the city. The vision is to see rapidly reproducing small churches made up entirely of believers from the unreached people groups. In addition, they worked to see church planting combined with Christian community development ministry so that a holisitic gospel addresses the needs of the poor.


Latest Prayer News

Give thanks that Geoff Donaldson, one of AIM’s Mission Advisors in Ireland has had a smooth ending to his role within AIM and has followed God’s calling to take up the position of Ireland Director for Europe Christian Mission (ECM). Pray for him as he settles into his new role and that he would rely on the Lord for his strength. 

On Tuesday 10th April a number of us from the office attended a thanksgiving service for the life of Colin Molyneux who served with AIM in various capacities for over 35 years, including in Kenya, Madagascar, Chad and the UK. During the service Peter Maclure, a retired AIM missionary, read out a tribute to Colin’s work with AIM which you can read here. Please pray for Colin’s wife, Rosemary, and the wider family as they continue to mourn a much loved husband, father, brother and grandfather. Give thanks for the ways in which God blessed and used Colin throughout a life which has been characterised as “a life lived for Jesus”.

Luke, AIM’s International Director, recently wrote with news of how Africans are being equipped for ministry across AIM. He wrote “Graeme, formerly in Northern Madagascar, translated materials and trained local pastors to use them. [Graeme] writes: Pastor Guillaume has been using the T4T discipleship curriculum that we developed together and has seen God move through it. He reports that as a result there are 25 new Sakalava believers there and 17 in a neighbouring village. There were also 15 new Sakalava believers in a neighbourhood close to Mahajanga and 15 in another village out in the bush…It seems God is on the move amongst this unreached people group!…Please pray for Pastor Guillaume that God would equip him for the task and that these new believers would grow in their faith and share it.”

Graeme and Eli Mallett (Joe, Jessica, Naomi & Ester) have just returned to the UK following the end of their assignment in Mahajanga, Madagascar. They write: “The ministry to ‘M’ people by the Ekipa Jirany saw at least 3 make a profession of faith and begin some discipleship before we left. We also helped share the vision to other Christians in the city and saw a number of new people join the team….It would be good to pray for the team leaders, their families, the team, the new believers and the ministry. Later this year, ‘J’ and his family will leave Madagascar to be tent-making missionaries in an ‘other-faith majority’ country close by. Keep them in your prayers”. Praise God for the Mallett family and their years of ministry in Madagascar. Pray for a good readjustment to life in the UK for all family members. Pray for Eli as she starts teaching at a Christian school and Graeme in his applications to start a Post Graduate Certificate of Education course in September, to become a Secondary school Physics teacher.

Graeme & Eli are finishing their work in Mahajanga, Madagascar. “These last couple of months have been really encouraging and enjoyable here in Mahajanga as we’ve seen God at work in the ministry amongst unreached people groups and felt his blessing on our family… As well as closing the ministry well we want to finish well on a personal level. We would appreciate your prayers over these next three weeks as we say all our goodbyes, finish selling our things, pack up and close everything up here. In the midst of all the business and stress we want to find time to sit at Jesus’ feet and prepare our hearts for the new chapter that God is leading us into.


Madagascar. The world’s fourth biggest island boasting flora and fauna that exist nowhere else on earth. 92% of the population exist on less than £2 per day. 41% of the population identify with Christianity, 7% with Islam, the majority follow Traditional African Religions. LEARN MORE

Church Development

We hope that our church development work with local African churches will lead them to be centres of hope and love that draw more people to Jesus. LEARN MORE
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