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Jurgen and Katja Hofmann

Vanya, Issa, Abbey, Dani and Simeon

Sent from Evangelische Gemeente ‘De Ambassade’

The Hofmann family have lived among the Tanala people of Madagascar since 2015. They began their ministry by studying the local dialect and culture so they can communicate the gospel in the heart language of the people. They have already translated 40 Bible stories in Tanala language. They are now using these stories to tell the gospel from village to village, and are working on translating the books of Luke and Acts.

It is the Hofmanns’ passion to tell the good news of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard; to give them the chance to believe and be saved; to see lives – a country – transformed.

The Tanala are among the least reached people groups and are eager to hear the gospel. On the most recent survey the elders of a village expressed: ‘If the Bible is good news our people need to hear it!’ And then: ‘When will you come?’

Could you partner with the Hofmanns in this work?

Latest Prayer News

Jurgen and Katja Hofmann serve in Madagascar, reaching out to the Tanala people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jurgen visited the village of Tsiombivohitra for years to teach and preach Bible stories. When he visited, he was told that there were only two young people who believed in Jesus and this couple was looked down on because they did not participate in traditional ancestor worship. Sometime last year, the sown seed seemed to take root. First, the young couple came to the village of Maroamboka on Sunday mornings to seek the Lord with the believers in the Lutheran Church there. Then they took about 20 more people from Tsiombivohitra with them! The believers are slowly becoming the majority in the village and as they are having to travel seven km to church, they have arranged for a sister congregation to begin in their village. Praise the Lord for this fruit.

Jurgen and Katja Hofmann serve in Madagascar, reaching out to the Tanala people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Give thanks that translations of Bible booklets are now printed and being shipped to Madagascar to distribute to equip churches to share the good news of Jesus in regional Malagasy languages. Ask God to give Jurgen wisdom in choosing the best way to distribute these booklets; he faces the challenge of persuading some church leaders that translations into regional languages is necessary. Many believe that the official national language is known by all, which is not always the case and people connect more to stories in their heart language. Pray that the church leaders will come to understand this need and be willing to distribute the booklets to those hungry for them in their churches and communities.

Jurgen and Katja Hofmann serve in Madagascar, reaching out to the Tanala people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  They are returning to Madagascar today after being on Home Assignment in the Netherlands. They have had a busy time travelling to see friends and supporters and presenting at partnering churches about their ministry. Pray that God will sustain them as they travel today and as they resume their work in Madagascar. Pray for financial provision and a good balance of ministry and rest.

The Hofmann family have lived among the Tanala people of Madagascar since 2015. Pray for them as they are back in the Netherlands on Home Assignment. Pray for them as they rest and as their children study for their exams – leaving Madagascar doesn’t mean studying stops! Pray for peace for each exam and pray for Jurgan and Katja as they work out how to make travel plans work to see as many of their supporters and supporting churches as possible. Pray for God to give them the energy and capacity to connect well with their supporters while also taking the necessary time out as a family. 

Pray for Jurgen and Katja Hofmann and their work on translating the Bible among the Tanala people of Madagascar. Pray for Jurgen as he visits a local village and encourages local believers there. Pray for the Hofmann family as they begin preparations to return to the Netherlands for their Home Assignment in February. Pray that they will be able to hand over ministry tasks and responsibilities well before they return home. 


Madagascar. The world’s fourth biggest island boasting flora and fauna that exist nowhere else on earth. 92% of the population exist on less than £2 per day. 41% of the population identify with Christianity, 7% with Islam, the majority follow Traditional African Religions. LEARN MORE

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We long to let all Africa's people know that they can have life, in all its fullness, for comfort rather than being in fear of breaking taboos or working to earn favour in the eyes of their gods. LEARN MORE

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