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Pete and Libby Halestrap

Finlay, Gabriel and Florence

Sent from St Leonard’s Church, Exeter

Pete and Libby Halestrap shared the love of Jesus through medical work, teaching and discipleship at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya, however, at the end of September 2023 Pete received a life-altering hospital diagnosis and the whole family was rushed to the UK for Pete to have further tests and scans. After a hospital appointment on 2nd October 2023, it has become clear that Pete will need radiotherapy and a potential biopsy, and the family will need to remain in the UK indefinitely.

The sudden nature of this diagnosis has naturally had a huge impact on the whole family as they navigate the emotional, physical, spiritual and practical implications of navigating Pete’s diagnosis as a family and of being torn from their home and ministry in Kenya, to potentially never return. They ask for continued prayer for Pete, Libby and the children, and for Kijabe Hospital and Titchie Swot’s work and ministry where their absence will be keenly felt. 


The Halestraps have been living and serving in Kenya since 2012. They were based at Kijabe Hospital, a large mission hospital in the Rift Valley.

While Christianity is widespread in Kenya, its ethnic diversity and vast countryside mean there are still many who remain strangers to the good news of Jesus. Kijabe Hospital serves people from all over Kenya and other parts of East Africa, including a large number from unreached people groups. As people attend the hospital looking for high quality and compassionate healthcare, they are also exposed to the gospel in both word and deed. The hospital is a major training institution and provides an environment for learners to grow in both their clinical skills and their Christian faith, before going on to serve throughout the region and beyond.

Pete worked in the Outpatient and Emergency departments of the hospital. He also served as the Director of Medical Education, which gave him oversight of numerous clinical training programmes and allowed him frequent opportunities for teaching. Through this, he sought to disciple and mentor local healthcare providers and mobilise them to reach others.

Libby ran an education course in the hospital, seeking to equip clinicians involved in medical education by enhancing their teaching skills. She also helped facilitate a global Christian mission course called ‘Kairos’. Besides this, Libby assisted with student support and teaching in Titchie Swot, the primary school section of Rift Valley Academy, AIM’s boarding school for missionary children.

Despite having to return to the UK, the Halestrap family still need to continue raising financial and prayer support as Pete will be unable to work for a long time and the family will need to find somewhere to live in the UK and find schools for their children.

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Latest Prayer News

Praise the Lord for the recent graduation of seven surgeons and family medicine consultants and 113 healthcare professionals at Kijabe Hospital, Kenya. They also gathered to break ground for an additional classroom wing as they opened a new one. The new building, named Halestrap building, is in honour of their former Education Director, Dr. Pete Halestrap, who had to return to the UK for health reasons.

Pete and Libby Halestrap served in medical ministry at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya. The family is now in the UK indefinitely while Pete has been undergoing chemotherapy and other medical treatment. Give thanks that Pete’s latest MRI scan has shown that his tumour remains stable with no signs of growth! Pray for continued healing for Pete and that the tumour remains stable. Praise God that Pete has been able to continue his ministry with AIM in a new way, working on online training materials with the education team at Kijabe Hospital, and using his skills and experience to equip others to serve the Lord in medical ministry in Kenya.

Pete and Libby Halestrap served in medical ministry at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya. The family is now in the UK indefinitely while Pete has been undergoing chemotherapy and other medical treatment. It has been over a year since the family had to leave Kenya, but there is still much to reflect on and process, emotionally and spiritually. Pray that God will continue to give them strength as they persevere through challenges and explore future work and ministry opportunities. Pray for encouraging results from Pete’s latest monitoring MRI in September.

Pete and Libby Halestrap shared the love of Jesus through medical work, teaching, and discipleship at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya. The family is now in the UK indefinitely while Pete underwent chemotherapy and other urgent medical treatment.  Give thanks that Libby’s recent trip to Kenya to pack up their house went well. Pete has now finished all his treatment for the present time; praise God that he received the news that the tumour is stable, and there have been no signs of growth or change! Pray that Pete’s energy levels will quickly return to normal and that the tumour will remain stable for a very long time. 

Pete and Libby Halestrap shared the love of Jesus through medical work, teaching, and discipleship at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya. Pray for Libby as she travels to Kenya today to finish packing up their family’s house, as they were not able to pack everything when they first had to return to the UK last September for Pete to receive urgent medical treatment. Pray for safe travels and smooth logistics. Pray for Libby to feel the presence of God as she packs and pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort her as she prepares to say goodbye to their beloved home, for possibly the last time. 


Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however, unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE


We long to see Health Professionals practising, modelling and mentoring competent, compassionate medicine, but doing so in places where they will influence unreached people groups for Christ. LEARN MORE
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