Matt and Amy Dixon

Elia, Finley and Matilda

Sent from St David’s Church, Moreton-in-Marsh

Matt and Amy worked with AICT at Sanga Sanga, 20 km outside Morogoro, Tanzania from 2011-2019. Matt managed the construction of the retreat and conference facilities for the Institute of Bible and Ministry (a department of the AICT), which seeks to ‘enable, mobilise and inspire pastors and evangelists into an ever-deepening relationship with God and effectiveness in ministry.’

Since Matt’s involvement in the project the facilities have grown, and they now include a campsite and a six-bedroom retreat house. In the past two-and-a-half years three Swiss chalet-style bandas have been built on the campsite and a large two-storey conference centre has been developed. These facilities enable seminars and courses to be hosted at Sanga Sanga, investing in pastors and evangelists of the church, equipping them to serve their communities better and to share the gospel more effectively, and enabling them to reach the unreached people of Tanzania and beyond.

Amy supported the ministry in various ways through book-keeping; and, when necessary, helping with management and bookings of the retreat centre and campsite; helping with hosting work teams; and helping to furnish the new buildings. Amy also helped with a small sewing project called Sewing Hope.

Matt and Amy also supported a church plant in a largely Muslim village called Kilkoa, about 40km from the main church in Morogoro town, through preaching and helping with Sunday School.

In 2019 they finished their assignment and returned to the UK for Study Leave, completing their term with AIM in early 2021.

Latest Prayer News

Give thanks that Geoff Donaldson, one of AIM’s Mission Advisors in Ireland has had a smooth ending to his role within AIM and has followed God’s calling to take up the position of Ireland Director for Europe Christian Mission (ECM). Pray for him as he settles into his new role and that he would rely on the Lord for his strength. 

The Dixons have been in the UK on Study Leave since the summer. “Life this year has been one of transitions, from our lives in Morogoro, Tanzania, to Moreton-in-Marsh, England in July… After about six weeks’ settling in to our new home, Amy started her PGCE course in Secondary Science. She has just completed one term of teaching in a Middle School. After Christmas she starts at a High School. The course is full-on and family life is very different. In order to support the family through this season Matt is working part-time as a handyman for St John’s Trust. His hours allow him to do all the juggling of the children’s busy schedule and hold the fort at home. The children have settled well into school and have made some new friends, though they miss friends in Morogoro.” Please pray for the family in this different season of life.

The Dixons have now finished their assignment and have returned to the UK. Amy writes, “…with the busyness of the past few months and the emotions of leaving our home and friends in Morogoro and trying to find our place again here [in the UK] we are trying to go a bit slower for the next month before I start teacher training and the children start school. Matt will be looking for local part-time work so he can be more available for the children. This will hopefully happen after we have taken some down-time over the next few weeks or so whilst we are on our home assignment.” Please pray for the children as they start school, and Amy as she begins teacher training, in September; and for Matt as he looks for a job while Amy trains.

The Dixons will return to the UK and finish their assignment in July. On Sunday Amy wrote: “Yesterday we had our first farewell event at Sanga Sanga, hosted by Matt and I on the campsite to say thank you and farewell to about 100 folks, parents, staff and children, from the children’s school. It was a wonderful bring and share brunch. This morning we went to Kiloka Church and shared the morning service with these faithful servants in this rural village and then shared a bowl of beans and rice. This was also a very special and emotional time to say goodbye. We have more goodbyes over the next few weekends; we have goodbyes with the Sunday school teachers others from our church this coming Thursday, the ladies prayer breakfast ladies next Saturday morning, saying goodbye to Matt’s right hand man, Peter and his family next Saturday afternoon, The main AICT church in Morogoro next Sunday morning and the staff at Sanga Sanga next Sunday afternoon. Please pray for us to number our days and our moments in our days and enjoy what we have with the people here while we have it. Time is going so shockingly fast now that we need to savour the moments and not lose them worrying over things that are out of our control. We really want good goodbyes and good handovers with each person where possible.”

The Dixons will return to the UK for two years so that Amy can train as a teacher. “As we near the end of our third term of service, this being the end of our time here working with AIM in partnership with Africa Inland Church of Tanzania (AICT), it is good to remember whose work it is that we have been doing and with whom it is that we are entrusting the work here to continue on… As we prepare to leave, believing this is the right time for our family to move onto a new chapter, it is humbling and encouraging to have been a part of the good work that the Lord is doing here… Praise God for his faithful provision for the development of the Sanga Sanga Conference and Retreat Centre, and pray for good ‘goodbyes’ and happy ‘hellos’ as we go through major transitions as a family.”


Tanzania is one of the world’s poorest nations; agricultural subsistence dominates its economy. Health and education sectors require massive investments.There is freedom of religion; all major faiths have the ability to share and propagate their faith. Christianity makes up 54% of the population with Islam totalling 31%. LEARN MORE


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