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Phinehas and Deborah

Phinehas and Deborah are in a creative access location working with local believers to equip leaders, facilitate church planting and build gospel relationships. They are working primarily with three local tribes, reaching out to them with the message of Jesus.

They were called to serve in global mission in 2003 after serving in their home church for many years. They and their two teenage daughters love Jesus and are walking in His grace in response to His faithfulness to them over the years.

The challenges of their ministry include not only reaching out to the unreached with the gospel but also leading teaching and discipleship classes to help equip local church leaders to effectively lead, serve and plant churches in their home country. 

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Latest Prayer News

Mark and Hannah serve in Chad, sharing the gospel with the Acacia* people who haven’t had the chance to hear about Jesus. Give thanks that they have arrived safely back in Chad after their Home Assignment in the UK and the arrival of their baby boy, Isaac. Pray for them as they adjust into Chadian life as a three and pray particularly for baby Isaac, that he will adjust to the hot climate and new environment well. Pray for God to bless this family as they get stuck back into sharing the gospel with those who have never heard it before. 

Graham and Fiona* are in a creative access location they fondly refer to as ‘Wonderland’. Give thanks for the moving farewell party their friends and colleges in Wonderland threw for them last month. Friends returned from their overseas trips early and others travelled many miles to attend and wish them well. Pray that God will use these friendships and conversations over the years for His kingdom purposes. Pray that the gospel witness of Graham and Fiona to these close friends will continue to sow seeds in the hearts of those they leave behind as they return to the UK for their final home assignment before retirement. 

*Names changed for security reasons

Claudia Middendorf on home assignment in Germany and is normally based in Beira, Mozambique, and serves the local church in leadership training. Pray for her as she is travelling extensively, visiting many churches and groups interested in hearing about what God is doing through His people in Mozambique. Please pray for safe travel, stamina and God’s guidance for Claudia. Pray that His word will penetrate the hearts of each person hearing Claudia’s stories.

Pray for the Suri people of South Sudan and Ethiopia; in June 2024 the AIM team’s IT equipment, their controller and inverter, were damaged and burned by a lightning strike. Please pray that it can be repaired or replaced quickly as this equipment is important to the team’s translation work. 

Ruth* works on an Indian Ocean Island seeking to share the gospel with people who have never had it explained to them. Give thanks that she has returned safely from her home assignment, despite some travel complications. Give thanks that she found peace in God through these and that the Holy Spirit has been showing her how setbacks keep her reliant on Him. Give thanks that she has been able to enjoy time on holiday with her sister in Kenya and that the protests in Kenya didn’t prevent them from enjoying time together. Pray for Ruth as she supports the children’s programme at AIM’s Africa Based Orientation later this month. 

*Names changed for security reasons. 

Creative Access

We use ‘Creative Access’ to refer to nations, areas or ministries where there is great hostility towards Christianity and where traditional ‘missionary work’ is not possible. Workers, therefore, need to be ‘creative’ in how they proclaim the liberating news of Jesus Christ. In North Africa alone, 200 million people from 472 unreached people groups are unreached with the gospel. That’s 200 million people unknowingly heading for a Christ-less eternity. LEARN MORE

Church Development

We hope that our church development work with local African churches will lead them to be centres of hope and love that draw more people to Jesus. LEARN MORE
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