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Mark and Hannah


Sent from Reading Family Church

Mark and Hannah serve in Chad, sharing the gospel with the Acacia* people who haven’t had the chance to hear about Jesus.

Mark and Hannah are really excited about the incredible opportunity it is to share the gospel with those who have never had the chance to hear it before. God has been speaking to them about doing this in Africa for a while. In fact, this was the topic of some of their very first conversations together!  

They set off for a year of study at All Nations Christian College to learn how to best share the gospel across cultures. During this time, they learnt of the great need and large numbers of people groups who remain unreached in the north of Africa, and Chad in particular kept coming into their thinking. Chad is one of the poorest countries in the world, both materially and spiritually. 

The local government in Chad has invited AIM, knowing they are a Christian organisation, into a Muslim area to help run the local government centre. Mark and Hannah will be joining this new team to the Acacia* people to teach basic healthcare and run English language classes as well as creating sports initiatives. This is an amazing opportunity to build relationships and share Christ with those who have never heard of Jesus’ love for them. They will also join the small local church in the area and encourage them to reach out to their community and share their faith with their neighbours. 

Language learning will be a big priority. In September 2021, Mark and Hannah started full time French language learning in Albertville, France before heading on to Chad in 2022. Here, they are learning Arabic and the local language as well. Their prayer is that as they live among the Acacia* people, they will be able to share the good news of Christ with them in their own language and in a way they understand.  

Could you partner with Mark and Hannah in this work?

*The name of this people group has been changed to protect local Christians and those ministering among them.

Latest Prayer News

Mark and Hannah serve in Chad, sharing the gospel with the Acacia* people who haven’t had the chance to hear about Jesus. Give thanks that they have settled back into Chad well. Give thanks for a local man, Simon*, a shopkeeper, who has been extra welcoming to Mark. He is interested in learning why Mark is a Christian and has agreed to read some of the New Testament, to better understand Mark’s reasons for following Jesus. Please pray for more gospel chats with Simon* and ask that as he reads Scripture, God would reveal himself to him! 

*Names changed for security reasons. 

Mark and Hannah serve in Chad, sharing the gospel with the Acacia* people who haven’t had the chance to hear about Jesus. Give thanks that they have arrived safely back in Chad after their Home Assignment in the UK and the arrival of their baby boy, Isaac. Pray for them as they adjust into Chadian life as a three and pray particularly for baby Isaac, that he will adjust to the hot climate and new environment well. Pray for God to bless this family as they get stuck back into sharing the gospel with those who have never heard it before. 

Mark and Hannah serve in Chad, sharing the gospel with the Acacia* people who haven’t had the chance to hear about Jesus. Give thanks with Mark and Hannah for the safe arrival of their baby boy, Isaac, into the world on 23rd February 2024! Pray for strength and protection over Isaac as he grows up and for the whole family as they settle into life as a three whilst currently on Home Assignment.

Mark and Hannah serve in Chad, sharing the gospel with the Acacia* people who haven’t had the chance to hear about Jesus. Give thanks for Hannah’s enjoyment of the extensive hospitality of her neighbours towards her. Please pray for energy, time and patience for Hannah as she balances the desire to host her neighbours more and her desire to rest and get tasks completed. Give thanks for Mark’s language teacher’s desire to know Christ and pray for the Holy Spirit to give him the courage and appreciation of the eternal value of knowing Jesus as he is finding the local consequences of giving up his current faith too great. 

*The name of this people group has been changed to protect local Christians and those ministering among them.

Mark and Hannah serve in Chad, sharing the gospel with the Acacia* people who haven’t had the chance to hear about Jesus. Pray the Lord would use Mark and Hannah to be an encouragement to their local church and that God would move the hearts of those within their church to begin to reach out to their unbelieving neighbours with the gospel. 

*The name of this people group has been changed to protect local Christians and those ministering among them. 


Chad became independent from France in 1960. Since then, its politics have been characterised by violence, coups and insurgencies. It is a secular state with freedom of religion. Muslims are dominant in government, trade and the army, although they are only just the majority religion (approx 53%). LEARN MORE

Outreach & Evangelism

We long to let all Africa's people know that they can have life, in all its fullness, for comfort rather than being in fear of breaking taboos or working to earn favour in the eyes of their gods. LEARN MORE
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