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Hannah Jackson

Sent from St Nicholas’ Church, Sevenoaks

Hannah trained as a teacher and taught Geography in the UK for a number of years before spending a year on AIM’s short-term programme in Korr, northern Kenya. Since then, she has served with Oak Hall Expeditions and St Nicholas Church, Sevenoaks whilst attending the Proclamation Trust’s Cornhill Training Course. She enjoys cooking, crafts and teaching the Bible to children.

From 2021 to 2024, Hannah was part of a TIMO (Training in Ministry Outreach) team in Likawage, a rural village in South East Tanzania. Here she was learning Swahili, and with her teammates built relationships and shared the gospel with their neighbours. The team sought to encourage members of the fledgeling church to hold out the gospel to the local community and together they ran a number of outreach events in villages in the Likawage area. Some of Hannah’s Tanzanian teammates have stayed in Likawage to continue the work.

Hannah is now part of the AIM’s Child Safety Team and is based in Nairobi while she learns what the role entails. AIM takes seriously its God-given responsibility towards all children, longing to see them develop into confident adults who know and love Jesus and can thrive in this fallen world. Hannah deals with safeguarding issues and helps AIM to be an organisation where children are safe and cared for.

Hannah is also involved with outreach to unreached people groups in the city.

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Hannah Jackson is the Assistant Child Safety Officer for AIM. She has been praying about how she might get involved with outreach to Muslims in Nairobi and recently attended an English conversation club. One of the conversation starters was, ‘What would you do if you knew you only had 24 hours left to live?’. Each of the young women in her group said something about praying to God for mercy and forgiveness, with a sense of panic. It was a stark reminder about how lost so many are, in fear and uncertainty. Pray that Hannah can build relationships that enable her to share the hope and confidence we can have in Christ alone.

Hannah Jackson has begun her new role as Assistant Child Safety Officer for AIM. Give thanks that God has answered her prayer and provided a permanent place for her to live in Nairobi. Pray that this home will be a blessing to her and to those she will invite into it. Ask God to continue giving her peace and perseverance as she adjusts to Kenyan life and culture and settles into her new responsibilities. 

Hannah Jackson has begun her new role as Assistant Child Safety Officer for AIM. Give thanks for safe travels to Kenya and pray that God will provide Hannah with a faithful church to join and a place of her own to live in. Ask God to give her peace and capacity as she learns all the information needed for her role while also settling into a new country. Pray that Hannah will find joy in her work, knowing that through her, God is working to keep children safe. 

Hannah Jackson was part of a TIMO team in Tanzania and is now in the UK on Home Assignment before taking up her role in AIM’s Child Safeguarding Team in Kenya. Give thanks she has had the opportunity to travel in Europe to visit past missionary colleagues and retired team leaders while also reconnecting with old friends in the UK. Pray that God will bless her in studying the details of her new role as she prepares to start in November 2024. Pray that God will have His hand over her planning and travels and give her peace as she takes this next step of obedience to His call on her life. 

Hannah Jackson was part of a TIMO team in Tanzania and is now in the UK on Home Assignment before taking up her role in AIM’s Child Safeguarding Team in Kenya.  Pray she will strike a good balance of activities and use her time wisely to rest and prepare for her role in Kenya. Pray for her teammates A* and Y* who have stayed in Likawage to lead the believers there and reach out to the community. Pray particularly that God will bless the church building project they are leading as they seek to erect a more permanent place to meet and worship God together.  


Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however, unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE

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Seeing unreached people reached is fruit of the body of Christ in action. That can mean pilots, qualified counsellors, administrators, photographers all helping and supporting the task of making Jesus known. LEARN MORE
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