Chris Klompas

Sent from Spalding Baptist Church

Chris served as part of an Extreme TIMO team in the mountains of Lesotho, seeking to reach the local shepherd communities with the gospel from 2014 – 2016.

After going to Bible college in 2010, Chris joined AIM and the Training In Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team in Lesotho, which started in Autumn 2014.

In the mountains of Lesotho Chris served among an unreached shepherding community who were waiting to hear the gospel. In order for the team to tell them the good news, they needed to learn their language and submerge themselves in their culture. Therefore Chris worked as a shepherd apprentice, living among the shepherds and sharing their lives.


Latest Prayer News

Give thanks that Geoff Donaldson, one of AIM’s Mission Advisors in Ireland has had a smooth ending to his role within AIM and has followed God’s calling to take up the position of Ireland Director for Europe Christian Mission (ECM). Pray for him as he settles into his new role and that he would rely on the Lord for his strength. 

On Tuesday 10th April a number of us from the office attended a thanksgiving service for the life of Colin Molyneux who served with AIM in various capacities for over 35 years, including in Kenya, Madagascar, Chad and the UK. During the service Peter Maclure, a retired AIM missionary, read out a tribute to Colin’s work with AIM which you can read here. Please pray for Colin’s wife, Rosemary, and the wider family as they continue to mourn a much loved husband, father, brother and grandfather. Give thanks for the ways in which God blessed and used Colin throughout a life which has been characterised as “a life lived for Jesus”.

I was really encouraged one evening when Mahlanya (one of the shepherds currently staying at Fanana cattle post) started reciting the Bible stories he’d been listening to via the audio bibles, in Sesotho, from memory! He’s done this a couple of evenings around the fire and we’ve also found a couple of other shepherds listening to the stories on their own in their own time, without any prompting from us! Our language as a team has come on in leaps and bounds and we’re all looking forward to the next few months as we start to seek opportunities to intentionally initiate gospel-orientated conversations with the shepherds at our cattle post and the surrounding cattle posts.” Please pray for Chris and the rest of the team as they seek opportunities to explain the Bible stories the shepherds are listening to and memorising and as they seek to share the gospel with them.

Chris has been staying in South Africa for an extended period recently with team leaders Sam & Leanna following an accident with his passport. He writes “Having been down in Clarens for the last while however, has not meant that ministry has stopped!…As we know, God is in control, and it is His ministry, not mine, I am simply called to be obedient and faithful to Him and follow His leading! While in Clarens I worked with Sam in building up a youth group for ages 12-18, which would meet at his house on Friday nights from 6:30pm to 9pm. We started running a Christianity Explored for Youth course, and amazingly our numbers have grown from an initial 7 youth, to a record number of 16 last Friday! With time on my hands, I have also been able to meet up with and mentor two young guys (James 19 and Dale 17), who both have had a pretty tough life thus far… and this is where I feel God has been in control all along and intended for me to be in Clarens for a time. On Thursday morning 19th Nov, having been with me for the last few hours talking and trying to get his head around the gospel, at 12:50am while kneeling on my living room floor, James repented and accepted Jesus Christ as his saviour!” 

“In a previous newsletter I mentioned Lefa, the brother of Malifutsane (the shepherd whom I’d been working closely with and whose family I stayed with for the winter) and my hopes to disciple and work closely with him. About two weeks after sending the newsletter his family started preparation to host an initiation school for him and his friends! An initiation school is a secretive six-month event which initiates boys into Besotho manhood… This has meant that unfortunately, since then and for six months from that point onwards, I have been and will be unable to have any contact with Lefa. This has come as a huge disappointment but I trust that God is in control and am praying that even during this time Lefa would read the Sesotho Bible I’d given him just before.”


Lesotho is a Kingdom totally surrounded by South Africa, whom they depend on, as their biggest employer and buyer of their main natural resource – water. Lesotho is made up of highland villages, where people live in extreme poverty and few have heard the gospel. LEARN MORE


TIMO is Training In Ministry Outreach. It is a two-year programme that trains new cross-cultural workers from around the world to do ministry in Africa. LEARN MORE
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