
Men of mission – desert teacher

Watch this short film of Steve and his experience teaching in Korr, northeast Kenya among the Rendille people

Tumaini Counselling Centre

Mark Phippen was the former Head of Counselling at Cambridge University and has recently joined the Tumaini team as a counsellor. He says…

Antakarana update | new home

The Antakarana live in the far north of Madagascar. Here is an update on construction for the teams houses.

Creative access short termer

A recent short termer talks about her trip to North Africa, what she learnt and how she was challenged.

Lights on a mountain

Hear from the team leaders going to the Ik, a small marginalised people group in Uganda.

The unreached – bound to the past

The Sakalava and Antakarana people of Madagascar live in spiritual darkness. Bound to ancestor worship, their communities are controlled by taboos and traditional customs. Yet there is hope in the gospel.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.