Stories of Africa’s people

Discover how God is working through the lives of ordinary people to extend his kingdom. Read stories from Africa's people and missionaries, sent from around the world, as they seek to share the good news with those who have yet to hear it.

Are stories still important?

Heidi Thulin and her husband, Josh, moved to Nairobi, Kenya and joined the ranks of On Field Media (OFM) in 2012, right in the midst of the production of our team’s first and only feature-length film, The Distant Boat.

Can we cross cultures at home?

Nine years ago, Miriam* and her husband followed a calling from God to live and work incarnationally and with intention in a multi-ethnic inner city area of Britain. Here they share about their work in the UK and their call to serve overseas.

Exploring mission with Mediquest

Last summer Sarah Oliver had the privilege of taking part in the Mediquest team to East Africa. She shares more about the joys and challenges she saw in various hospitals.

Exploring mission as a teacher

Lucy Sudworth is serving in Mayotte. Her main role is to homeschool some of the children of the missionaries on the island. Homeschooling enables other team members to carry out their ministry while she is able to spend quality time with the children.

How are the Alagwa engaging with the gospel?

Owen & Miriam Pugh and their family have been serving among the Alagwa since 2010. Here they share about the next steps in their ministry.

Help us mobilise more teachers!

Many missionaries return home each year because of a lack of good educational options for their children. We recognise that for missionaries to thrive on the field we need to be a part of meeting this vital need. To do that, we need your help.

Why are AIM ministering in Cardiff?

A missionary family has recently moved from Mayotte on the Indian Ocean islands to Cardiff. Here they explain why.

Meet Annette, our newest member!

Annette* shares her story, as a Tanzanian living and working in the UK, and now, as she responds to God’s call to return to Africa as a missionary.

So, what does teaching on the mission field look like?

Hannah teaches at Wellspring Academy in Chad, providing education for the children of missionaries serving in Africa. In her latest prayer letter, she shares how her role is not only allowing missionary parents to stay on the field, but is a mission field in itself, too...

Why bother with church planting?

In Tanzania, AIM have established the Institute of Bible & Ministry (IBM), a focal point of our passion to see Africans mobilised to share the gospel...

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.