Stories of Africa’s people

Discover how God is working through the lives of ordinary people to extend his kingdom. Read stories from Africa's people and missionaries, sent from around the world, as they seek to share the good news with those who have yet to hear it.

A burden to pray

Beth has just been accepted to serve with AIM. She shares why she feels called to a creative access location and her burden to pray.

The words of life

There’s a massive desire to learn English among young people in many creative access nations. Could you come and help and speak words of life?

Faith in the balance

Myriam* shares her story about discovering Christianity, and her search for the truth.

What can I do?

Talking about our faith with those who haven’t heard or understood the gospel can feel pretty intimidating. Here are some practical tips.

Into the hard places

Miriam* and her husband have taken a short term trip to a creative access area. We asked them a few questions about their experiences...

What’s life like in North Africa?

Fatima’s day starts early and ends late. She explains what she normally gets up to. Each day starts with dawn prayers. Then, breakfast needs to be made...

What would you give up for God?

A missionary serving in North Africa shares their story. "As a teenager I really wanted to be cool. I was willing to do almost anything for it..."

A Question of Legacy – African Missionary Mobilisation

Lamb Kefta Tagine (meatball stew)

The large dome-shape of the tagine is designed to return condensed liquid to the base. This means a minimal amount of water is needed to cook. The region of North Africa (including the Middle East) is the most water-scarce region in the world.

The starting point of mission

There are many ways we could answer the ‘Why mission?’ question. We could talk about the need to change our broken world and combat injustice. We could talk about the need to rescue people from the judgment of God. We could talk about the command of Christ and his call in the Great Commission to go to the nations.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.