Standing on sound teaching

Tim and Beth Wood tell how the gospel is growing in Faith of the Apostles Church of Mozambique

Our local congregation celebrated the last day of 2010 by holding a baptismal service. Seven candidates affirmed their faith in Christ alone. Our pastor is a graduate of Sofala Bible Institute – a college that AIM helped to start. He led them in baptismal vows based on the Book of Common Prayer:

We are greatly encouraged to see this congregation growing so strongly.

Do you renounce Satan and all the spiritual forces of wickedness that rebel against God? I renounce them. Do you turn to Jesus Christ and accept him as your Saviour? I do. Do you promise to follow and obey him as your Lord? I do. It was a joy to see these young people (including one lady) taking this step of faith. Tim did a lot of the teaching in the baptism classes. He used a just published booklet written by a Brazilian AIM colleague, Maura Manoel, called A Class for New Converts: A Preparation for Baptism, which proved very helpful; another colleague has just ordered 300 copies.

_Standing-on-sound-teaching-sofala Sofala Bible Institute.

We are greatly encouraged to see this congregation growing so strongly. In recent months, several young people have come to confess faith in Christ; young people in their 20s are leading the prayer, teaching and taking part in visitation ministries. We pray that those who were recently baptised will go on to find ministry opportunities and reach their extended families for Christ.

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