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13 June 2024

Cees and Mirjam Molenaar

Cees and Mirjam Molenaar serve in Kampala, focusing specifically on reaching the region of Karamoja and are now on a short Home Assignment. Give thanks for so many answered prayers over the last months; their work permits were approved; God provided many opportunities to visit Karamoja and their sons Mozes and Obed settled well into an International School in Kampala. Pray that their Home Assignment in the Netherlands will be an encouraging and refreshing time with family and visiting supporters. When they return to Uganda, they will move to the Karamoja region and Mozes and Obed will attend RVA in Kenya. Pray that God will provide a house for them to live in when they arrive and that Mozes and Obed will transition well to their new schooling arrangements. 

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