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8 July 2016


“I am particularly encouraged by the way God led me to two families in our village. I have begun to develop friendships with three women of those families, and I look forward to see what God will do in their lives. I take care to regularly visit every family in the village. It was during one of these visits, which I carried out with Rachel and Clare, that I met G. for the first time. I was particularly touched by her openness, her joyous energy and the fact that she loves to laugh! Some time later H. came to greet us at home and, before leaving us, she invited us to come visit her home soon… One night I headed to the houses that H. had directed me to. On arriving at the first house I greeted people and surprisingly found that G. lives there… After a few moments, and my few words in Fulani exhausted, I decided to greet the people of the next house, 10m away. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that this is indeed the H’s house! She greeted me warmly and we exchanged a few greetings and I learned some new Fulani words. On my way home I was really happy, thankful and amazed at the way the Spirit lead me towards these women and directed those meetings. Since then, our relationship has developed with G, D and H and true friendship is being born. We meet about every two days whether at mine or at theirs. I also met with the rest of the family and now all know me by my first name: Malika (the Fulani name closest to Angèle because it means ‘angel’)…. Please pray for these special relationships and the friendship that develops.”

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