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Owen and Miriam Pugh

Ella, Charlie, Imani and Cerys

Sent from Bunyan Baptist Church, Stevenage

The Pughs work in a team among the Alagwa using Bible stories in the mother tongue, for evangelism and discipleship.

Both Owen and Miriam are from Stevenage and their passion to serve the people of Tanzania grew out of the many years they were actively involved in their local community. Through their church they were involved with youth work (both inter-church and church based), church leadership, worship, teaching and hospitality.

Their TIMO team, which ran from 2010-2013, was a partnership between AIM and the Africa Inland Church of Tanzania (AICT), lead by Tanzanian AICT pastor Emmanual (Ema) Shilikale. Having spent the three years on the TIMO team training and ministering amongst the Alagwa, Owen & Miriam were passionate about returning. They wanted to continue to share Jesus through their friendships, through supporting and nurturing the small church which had been planted, and through practical projects. They hope their love of the Alagwa and understanding of culture gained during their time on a TIMO team help them to encourage people to know Jesus deeply, in every area of their lives.

The Alagwa are a small people group in north-central Tanzania. Over 99% would consider themselves to be Muslim. Family and community are extremely important to them, and becoming a follower of Jesus means facing possible rejection. This is a frightening prospect, with potentially serious consequences.

Many of the original TIMO team have returned to work among the Alagwa, and together they continue to live simply amongst this people group, sharing their lives with them. Through farming, education, small-scale development projects, church work, story groups, Bible studies, and just ‘doing life’ with people, the team seeks to share the gospel in ways that are understandable.

Alagwaisa is an unwritten language, and although many people speak the national language of Swahili, conversations about life issues happen mostly in Alagwaisa. The team has worked with a number of Alagwa to produce a set of chronological Bible stories. These are being shared on audio devices, phones, and by word-of-mouth to individuals and groups. More recently, the team has had the opportunity to work on an oral translation of the book of Luke with both Christian and Muslim Alagwa translators from many different villages.

The Pughs are involved in discipling new believers, encouraging them to discover more of God for themselves and to share his truths with others. This is challenging, because people among the Alagwa are used to knowing by being taught, rather than by relating to God themselves. Owen and Miriam long to see many Alagwa set free to know and share God’s love for themselves. They want to see the Alagwa church thriving, reproducing, and reaching out to the Alagwa and others in their communities.

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Latest Prayer News

Owen and Miriam Pugh serve in AIM’s International Office, based in the UK. Owen is AIM International’s Office Manager and Miriam is the Personnel Director. After a year of transition shadowing their predecessors, they are now fully entering their roles. Pray for the Lord’s provision as they take on full responsibility and that the Lord will enable them to remember all they have been shown and have wisdom to shape the work well moving forward. 

Owen and Miriam Pugh serve in AIM’s International Office, based in the UK. Owen is AIM International’s Office Manager and Miriam is the Personnel Director. Give thanks that they were able to visit their former teammates in Tanzania recently and that they heard of three more Tanzanian believers being baptised! Pray for the translation of the Bible into the local language of Alagwaisa. There have been significant challenges for the translation team to overcome this year. Pray with Owen and Miriam for God to continue to bless this work and give wisdom to those who lead it. 

Owen and Miriam Pugh serve in AIM’s International Office, based in the UK. Owen is AIM International’s Office Manager and Miriam is the Personnel Director. Ask God to give Miriam discernment in which tasks and situations to carry and which to let go of as she supports the many needs of AIM personnel. Pray God will refresh her soul in His word and enable her to lay her own, and others’ needs at the Cross and trust Him to manage what she cannot. 


Owen and Miriam Pugh work in a team among the Alagwa using Bible stories in the mother tongue, for evangelism and discipleship. Pray for them as they plan to leave Tanzania in 2024 to move on to new roles with AIM’s International Office.  Pray for them as transitions draw closer and they begin their handover and farewells. Pray for their church’s new Pastor, Peter* who will take over the church after the previous pastor moved on. Pray for Peter* and his wife and daughter as they lead their Alagwa congregation and continue to make Christ known in their community.  

*Name changed for security reasons. 

Owen and Miriam Pugh work in a team among the Alagwa using Bible stories in the mother tongue, for evangelism and discipleship. Pray for them as they plan to leave Tanzania in 2024 to move onto new roles with AIM’s International Office. Pray that more workers will be raised up for the Alagwa and for perseverance and joy for their team as they continue their ministry in this time of change. Pray that Owen and Miriam would be open to the new things God is doing in and through them. 


Tanzania is one of the world’s poorest nations; agricultural subsistence dominates its economy. Health and education sectors require massive investments.There is freedom of religion; all major faiths have the ability to share and propagate their faith. Christianity makes up 54% of the population with Islam totalling 31%. LEARN MORE

Outreach & Evangelism

We long to let all Africa's people know that they can have life, in all its fullness, for comfort rather than being in fear of breaking taboos or working to earn favour in the eyes of their gods. LEARN MORE

Church Planting

Our desire isn’t just that there will be individual Christians among every people group in Africa but that there would be Christ-centred churches among all African peoples. LEARN MORE
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