Alan and Pauline Jordan

Sent from Ross-on-Wye Baptist Church

The Jordans serve with the Africa Inland Church in Nanyuki in the county of Laikipia, northern Kenya.

Alan and Pauline’s journey into cross-cultural mission started in 1993, when they felt the Lord’s call for Alan to leave his job as an RAF aircraft engineer and serve him somewhere on the mission field. They served with AIM for two years, working with AIM Air in Nairobi. When they returned to the UK, Alan finished his Theology degree at Bible college and Pauline ran the family home, but the desire to return to serve in Africa remained.

In January 2019 they moved to Marsabit in northern Kenya to be part of a larger team working alongside the Africa Inland Church (AIC). Marsabit is 550km north of Nairobi, and is the political, social and economic centre of northern Kenya. It is also home to eight distinct people groups, including the Samburu, Gabbra, Borana and Rendille peoples. They spent three years building relationships with the local Bishop and church leaders.  Alan taught the BTCP program at the new Northern Bible Training College, helping pastors grow in their knowledge of the Bible and training them in their pastoral ministry.  For a short time, Pauline taught English to the Bible students and then in January 2020 she helped to set up the AIC Marsabit Primary School.

In March 2022 the Jordans moved to Nanyuki, where they are continuing to teach the Word of God.  Alan teaches the Bible Training Course for Pastors (BTCP) to local church leaders from various denominations. Pauline’s ministry is with the white Kenyans and she helps to teach Sunday school at the British Army base as well as offering hospitality to the many missionaries passing through their home.

Could you partner with the Jordans in this work?

Latest Prayer News

Alan and Pauline Jordan serve with the Africa Inland Church in Nanyuki in the county of Laikipia, northern Kenya. Give thanks for God’s provision for Alan and Pauline to help source a 5,000-litre rain collection tank for Pastor Andrew*’s village. Pray that this tank will be a blessing to the village and provide clean drinking water for the people. Pray that those believers in the village will remember Jesus as the source of Living Water (John 4:14) each time they drink from it and will continue to trust in Him and share their faith with others. Please pray that Alan and Pauline will be able to continue to support Pastor Andrew* and his village as he cares for the spiritual and everyday necessities of life. 

*Names changed for security reasons 

The Jordans serve with the Africa Inland Church in Nanyuki in the county of Laikipia, northern Kenya. Alan has been working with the Africa Inland Church to design and get plans drawn up for a Bible College to be built on the AIC Equator land which was given to them by missionaries many years ago. Praise God that the building of the College is ready to commence, all that is needed is funds. Pray that God will provide generous givers to give towards the project to buy building materials and tools. 

Alan and Pauline Jordan serve with Africa Inland Church in Nanyuki Laikipia, northern Kenya. Give thanks for the high attendance of the Bible class where Alan has been teaching the Bible Training Course for local pastors and church leaders. Give thanks also for the Monday morning Bible study at a local hotel, which has been well attended by the staff – often extra chairs need to be brought in. Pray for the hearts of those joining these studies, that they would desire to learn sound doctrine to teach their congregations.    

Alan and Pauline Jordan serve with Africa Inland Church in Nanyuki Laikipia, northern Kenya.  Give thanks for the high attendance of the Bible class where Alan has been teaching the Bible training course for local pastors and church leaders.  Also, for the Monday morning Bible study at a local hotel which has been well attended by the staff, including the manager himself attending. Pray for the hearts of those joining these studies; that they would desire to learn sound doctrine to teach their congregations. Please also pray for Alan and Pauline as they seek financial support to keep them in Kenya to build mature Christians in the Word of God.

Alan and Pauline Jordan serve in Nanyuki in Marsabit County, northern Kenya. They are currently in the UK for a few months. Please pray that their time in the UK will be restful and restorative, and that they will be able to meet with as many friends, family and supporters as possible during their time here. 


Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however, unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE

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