James & Claire Gibson

Ruby, Jessica and Florence

Sent from Enfield Baptist Church

James, Claire and their daughters Ruby, Jessica and Florence served with AIM in Kampala, Uganda, from 2012-2019.

Acacia International School is a Christian International School in Kampala. Claire was the Senior School’s Principal from August 2014-August 2019. She endeavoured to create a school environment where God was honoured and students learned more about the gospel every day; staff felt valued and supported to do their job well; and students could learn and achieve excellence in their studies. The school provides a Christian learning environment for children of many nations, including a number of missionary families living and working in Uganda.

James worked as an Honorary Lecturer at Makarere University in Kampala, the only veterinary school in Uganda. He taught surgery to the students and aimed to provide opportunities for them to practice their skills by arranging surgeries at the vet school, and taking students on surgery trips to different areas of Uganda. These trips were an opportunity to get to know students better, for them to get hands on surgical experience, and to be able to discuss aspects of faith. James aimed to disciple and mentor students to become young professionals with integrity who love God. Towards the end of their time in Uganda, James volunteered at the Uganda Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (USPCA) to help train and mentor a new young vet there and set up a veterinary clinic. The clinic serves as a satellite training facility for the vet students where they can learn ideal surgical and anaesthetic practice. James also partnered with other NGOs with various livestock development projects across Uganda, including community rabies vaccination programs, rabbit and pig projects.

Latest Prayer News

Give thanks that Geoff Donaldson, one of AIM’s Mission Advisors in Ireland has had a smooth ending to his role within AIM and has followed God’s calling to take up the position of Ireland Director for Europe Christian Mission (ECM). Pray for him as he settles into his new role and that he would rely on the Lord for his strength. 

“Claire and I were fortunate enough to attend the wedding of an ex-student of mine, Dr Michael Kiragga, which I wrote about previously. At Christmas time Michael opened his own practice and Emily and I have been helping him in this process, giving him ideas for layout, equipment, client communications, pricing and other tips. Michael is a devout Christian and I have seen him develop professionally and spiritually. In addition to providing a professional, caring service to his clients, he has a heart to use veterinary medicine to reach out to communities in Uganda with Christ’s love. A vet friend of Emily’s, Bruce and his wife Julie, came to Uganda recently they were able to help in continuing to mentor Michael. Bruce and I were able to perform some surgeries with Michael and his colleague John (another ex-student) and it was good for Michael to practise some new techniques. Pray for Michael and other Christian vets who want to mentor others and use their skills to help those in need.”  

James writes: “Recently, Claire and I were invited to the wedding of Michael, one of my ex-students… A few years ago when he was a student, Michael spoke to me and encouraged me, saying, ‘Please keep on teaching and helping us. You are making a difference here.’ Now, Michael himself accepts students for placements at the practice where he works and is instrumental in teaching the next generation of vets in Uganda… Michael and the other students I teach have changed my life. They have made me think outside of myself. God has used me to guide and mentor them in their professional and spiritual lives, but they have also taught me a lot.” Praise God for the positive influence that James has the opportunity for in his students’ lives, and pray that he will disciple and train them well to love and serve God through their profession.

“Earlier this year, Acacia International School, where Claire works, was made aware of some land that had become available. The school has been looking for an opportunity to build another campus for some time. This land is not far from Kampala and is enough acreage for the school to expand. There is also access to the lake, so canoeing and sailing may become lesson options the future!…A couple of weeks ago, a small number of parents and teachers went to visit the land and had the chance to view and pray for this opportunity the school has. In the centre of the land are two Acacia trees, which do not normally grow in that area. Please pray that if it is the right decision for the school to go ahead with this land, God will make it clear and He will make a way.”

On Tuesday 10th April a number of us from the office attended a thanksgiving service for the life of Colin Molyneux who served with AIM in various capacities for over 35 years, including in Kenya, Madagascar, Chad and the UK. During the service Peter Maclure, a retired AIM missionary, read out a tribute to Colin’s work with AIM which you can read here. Please pray for Colin’s wife, Rosemary, and the wider family as they continue to mourn a much loved husband, father, brother and grandfather. Give thanks for the ways in which God blessed and used Colin throughout a life which has been characterised as “a life lived for Jesus”.


80% of Uganda is engaged in agriculture. The healthy economy of the 1960s was crippled in 1972 by the expulsion of the Asian business community, and then virtually destroyed by tyranny and wars. It has steadily improved since 1992. Under previous government regimes there were restrictions on persecuted Christians, but there is now freedom of religion. LEARN MORE


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