Ard and Carin de Leeuw

Boaz, Manoah, Amy and Juda

Sent from Vrije Evangelisatie Gemeente, Zwolle, the Netherlands

The de Leeuw family served with AIM from 2014-2021; first serving on an AIM team working in Tororo, Uganda, and later serving on a team living and working in South Sudan with the Laarim people.

In July 2016 Ard and Carin joined the Focus team working among the Laarim in South Sudan. The Laarim are spread in small settlements across the rugged Boya mountain range, around 250km east of Juba. Laarim life revolves around their cattle and for many is dominated by traditional African beliefs and spiritualistic rituals. The de Leeuws’ initial focus was on cultural understanding and language development, learning from the Laarim by sharing their lives and building relationships with them. The de Leeuws then worked with this fledgling church to enable, encourage and disciple new believers. The Focus team ended in 2018, and after a Home Assignment in the Netherlands Ard and Carin returned to South Sudan until April 2021 to lead a new ministry team to continue the work among the Laarim.

As they lived and worked among the Laarim, they learnt the language and culture and spread the gospel through their relationships. They also discipled local believers and helped them to grow in their faith, encouraging them to follow Christ and bring the gospel to the people around them.

The de Leeuws wanted the Laarim to have the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus and to see God powerfully at work, changing lives and growing his church among them. 

Latest Prayer News

Give thanks that Geoff Donaldson, one of AIM’s Mission Advisors in Ireland has had a smooth ending to his role within AIM and has followed God’s calling to take up the position of Ireland Director for Europe Christian Mission (ECM). Pray for him as he settles into his new role and that he would rely on the Lord for his strength. 

Please continue to pray for Ard and Carin de Leeuw and their children as they re-settle into life in the Netherlands after five years of ministry among the Laarim and two years’ ministry in Uganda. Please pray that God will guide them as they make plans for the future, and that their supporters will be encouraged when Ard and Carin share what God has been doing among the Laarim. 

Last week Ard and Carin de Leeuw and their children finished their ministry among the Laarim and travelled to the Netherlands for Home Assignment. Please pray for them as they settle into living in the Netherlands. Pray also for Jacob, who has taken over leadership of the AIM team working among the Laarim, and for the rest of the team as they continue to share the gospel with the Laarim in South Sudan.

The de Leeuw family are currently in the Netherlands because of the Covid-19 pandemic and will return when possible. “While the Netherlands is going into stricter lockdown again, the opportunity has come up for us to return to South Sudan. Last week we were able to arrange many things. We are still waiting for our South Sudan visas. If everything goes according to plan, we will fly out of the Netherlands on Thursday 5th November. If the journey is successful we will be back in the Laarim on Sunday 8th November. The journey will be long and with more regulations than we are used to, but we look forward to be able to go to our home again. In the Laarim we will first be in quarantine for 10 days and then take up our work in the community.” Please pray for everything to fall into place so that the de Leeuw family can return to their ministry among the Laarim at the beginning of November.

The de Leeuw family are currently in the Netherlands because of the Covid-19 pandemic and will return when possible. “In the past few months we have taken the time to take a closer look at all our work among the Laarim. Is the vision we have for the Laarim as a team still correct? Or do we need to adjust it? What are our activities and are they effective, or do we have to stop or refine them? This is a beautiful process which is not yet finished, but we enjoy it immensely. We are grateful to God for all the work he is doing among the Laarim. We ask prayer for this whole process. That God will show us again and again which way he wants us to go with ministry among the Laarim and which activities we should do as a team.”

South Sudan

South Sudan became the world’s newest country on 9 July 2011. It was the outcome of the 2005 peace deal that ended Africa’s longest-running civil war. The majority of the population adhere to Christianity. Only 18% call themselves Muslim unlike Sudan, which is 97%. LEARN MORE

Outreach & Evangelism

We long to let all Africa's people know that they can have life, in all its fullness, for comfort rather than being in fear of breaking taboos or working to earn favour in the eyes of their gods. LEARN MORE

Church Planting

Our desire isn’t just that there will be individual Christians among every people group in Africa but that there would be Christ-centred churches among all African peoples. LEARN MORE
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