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Ruth Mahood

Sent from St Peter’s Free Church, Dundee

Ruth serves as a counsellor with AIM Care at Tumaini Counselling Centre in Nairobi. Tumaini is a Swahili word meaning “hope”.

In 2019 Ruth began studying for a qualification in counselling. God gave Ruth a vision to use counselling to support missionaries to thrive where God has called them.

In a cross-cultural setting, there’s great potential for isolation, heightened stress, and emotional overload. Good member care can make the difference between flourishing and merely coping on the mission field, between retiring strong and retiring bitter or disillusioned, between a whole career and a single term. AIM Care’s mission is to provide preventative and restorative mental health services and pastoral care to enhance missionary resilience and fruitfulness.

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Latest Prayer News

Ruth Mahood serves as a counsellor with AIMCare at Tumaini Counselling Centre in Nairobi. Pray for her as she leads the team in a formal review process and as they develop and define together a new role of AIM Care Manager, replacing the Clinical Team Leader position. The purpose of this change is to allow AIM Care to better align its leadership structure with current needs and adapt to the changes and new initiatives within AIM. The team are honoured to continue providing mental health services to those in need and are excited to see how this openness to change might glorify God and benefit his people.

Ruth Mahood serves as a counsellor with AIM Care at Tumaini Counselling Centre in Nairobi. Thank the Lord for the clients who have felt heard and understood through her work. As Ruth takes time over Christmas to visit family, please pray for safe travels, good rest, and meaningful connections during this time.  

Ruth Mahood serves as a counsellor with AIM Care at Tumaini Counselling Centre in Nairobi. Give thanks that she has settled into her role quickly, and she enjoyed speaking at AIM’s Personnel Officers’ Forum earlier this month on the topic of supporting members dealing with trauma. Pray for safe travels and other preparations as she speaks about mental health and offers individual counselling at AIM’s Africa Based Orientation in South Africa in October 2024. Pray that Ruth will continue to build good relationships with the missionaries she supports and that she will draw on the strength of Christ as she looks to Him to lead her in her daily life and ministry. 

Ruth Mahood serves as a counsellor with AIM Care at Tumaini Counselling Centre in Nairobi. This past week Ruth has been supporting Rift Valley Academy’s ‘Educational Support Week.’ This week supports families in AIM who are using non-traditional schooling methods and provides support, resources and fellowship for parents. Ruth has been making herself available for anyone who feels they would benefit from a counselling session. Pray that her support this week will continue to be a blessing to parents and that she will continue to trust in God as she returns to Tumaini to offer counselling to missionaries before attending AIM’s Africa Based Orientation (ABO) in July 2024 as part of the AIM Care team. 

Ruth Mahood serves as a counsellor with AIM Care at Tumaini Counselling Centre in Nairobi. Praise God that her work permit has been approved. This is a big relief and means that she can legally reside and work in Kenya for the next three years! Pray for Ruth as she enjoys this sense of stability. Pray for all those she counsels at Tumaini, that they will find safety, rest and healing in the arms of God the Father and will be supported well to reflect on and progress in, their missionary experience and calling moving forwards.


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Support, Logistics & Pastoral Care

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