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Having previously taught English using Bible stories in Central Africa, Pablo* saw wonderful fruit from his relational ministry of 1-1 evangelism among the student-age men of the city.

He is now serving in West Africa, where he continues to use English teaching as a door-opener for developing relationships for the gospel. Pablo longs for God to continue surrounding him with people who are open to and desire to know the truth about Jesus. He prays that God will use him to help bring the light of Jesus into a country that is still very opposed to the gospel.

*Name has been changed for security reasons




Latest Prayer News

One of our affiliates is in North Africa this week to teach English. Today they have been invited to the home of a local student – the first time this has happened. Pray for an opportunity for a clear sharing of the universally amazing good news, and hearts ready to receive it.  

Ruth* works on an Indian Ocean Island seeking to share the gospel with people who have never had it explained to them. Ask God to give her contentment and encouragement in where she is at in her language learning and the ability not to compare her progress with other workers. Pray God will give her wisdom as she considers how to share about Jesus this Christmas time, and ask that He will open the hearts of her friends and neighbours to Christ. 

*Names changed for security reasons  

Dawn* works to bring the gospel to unreached peoples in the Indian Ocean Islands. Ask God to prepare her heart to say goodbye to her friends on the Islands as she returns to the UK for a short visit. Pray for safe travels and a blessed time in the UK meeting with friends and family and updating her church and supporters on how God is using her and His people to share the gospel on the Islands. 

*Names changed for security reasons 

Holly* serves at Kijabe Hospital, Kenya. The national health insurance fund recently introduced a new system, which has had some initial problems, meaning people were unable to apply for funding for treatment, leaving many unable to access the care they need. Sadly, Holly* has seen at least one patient die as they avoided going to the hospital due to cost and their sickness progressed. Pray that the system will soon be changed to provide the necessary support for people needing care and that God will strengthen Holly and give her opportunities to share her hope in Jesus as the ultimate healer of bodies and souls. 

Edward* serves in a closed country where there are very few Christians. Pray that God will bless his local language acquisition as he spends two weeks in the capital city to study the language more intensively. Give thanks that after many Bible discussions and working through large differences in worldview, his friend Jason* agreed that he now understood the Christian view on sin and why the penalty of sin is death. Praise God for this huge step forward in Jason’s understanding. Ask God to help Jason see and understand how only Jesus could perfectly pay the price for sin and that he did so on the cross. 

*Names changed for security reasons. 

West Africa

When AIM’s ministry began in East Africa the Lord was already at work in West Africa so until recently AIM was not engaged in ministry there. However, in the last few years, a concern has grown for the Muslim countries of West Africa, given that we are committed as an organisation to see Christ-centred churches among all African peoples. LEARN MORE


Teaching is not just a support ministry. It's vital in sharing the gospel, displaying Christ and helping children and young people to thrive. Could you use your gifts and skills to make Jesus known among the nations? LEARN MORE
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