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Holly* has just begun a new ministry assignment in Kijabe Hospital, Kenya.

Until recently she has been serving in a creative access location, using her medical skills in a government hospital. She has been seeking to not only restore people to full health, but she was also  open in her witness with the aim of building relationships to share the hope of Jesus and see people restored in their relationship with their God.

That experience, along with language and culture knowledge will now be used by Holly in Kijabe hospital. Although situated not far from Nairobi, Kenya, in an area of Africa with many churches, Kijabe hospital is also used by many Africans who are from Muslim backgrounds, from unreached people groups. She will be able to use her ability to reach out to people from those backgrounds, as well as her medical skills as she seeks to share the gospel with those who have yet to hear it.

Could you partner with Holly in this work?

*Holly’s name has been changed due to the sensitivity of her previous assignment.

Latest Prayer News

Holly* serves at Kijabe Hospital, Kenya. The national health insurance fund recently introduced a new system, which has had some initial problems, meaning people were unable to apply for funding for treatment, leaving many unable to access the care they need. Sadly, Holly* has seen at least one patient die as they avoided going to the hospital due to cost and their sickness progressed. Pray that the system will soon be changed to provide the necessary support for people needing care and that God will strengthen Holly and give her opportunities to share her hope in Jesus as the ultimate healer of bodies and souls. 

Pray with Holly* for a good return to the hospital, after home assignment, and a renewed ability to serve and teach here. Having transitioned from work with a UPG to Kenya, I still have a desire to at least visit back to the UPG location and would value prayer for guidance and opportunities in 2023. 

*Holly’s name has been changed due to the sensitivity of her previous assignment.

Holly* is on a ministry assignment in Kijabe Hospital, Kenya. “I am grateful in 2022 for settling to life in the hospital and for some good relationships with the surgeons-in-training I work with. I celebrated 10 years on the field with some co-workers and I am thankful for the knowledge the Lord has kept and blessed me whilst learning to live and serve here in Africa.

*Holly’s name has been changed due to the sensitivity of her previous assignment.

Holly serves at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya, and is involved in training surgeons as well as working as a consultant general surgeon in the hospital. Please pray for Holly as she balances training with day-to-day surgery work. She is currently in the UK on leave, and please pray that this time will be restful and restorative. 

Praise God that Holly has settled in to her new ministry assignment at Kijabe Hospital well. Please pray for her as she trains, mentors and disciples trainee surgeons in the hospital. Pray that God will use her to grow these surgeons spiritually as well as in their clinical skills.


Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however, unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE


We long to see Health Professionals practising, modelling and mentoring competent, compassionate medicine, but doing so in places where they will influence unreached people groups for Christ. LEARN MORE
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