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Sent from Woodgreen Evangelical Church, Worcester

Hannah teaches the children of cross-cultural Christian workers at Wellspring Academy in Chad.

Hannah first felt called to ministry among Third Culture Kids (TCKs) in 2010 when she taught at an international school in Rwanda. The TCK’s ‘third culture’ is made up of experiences that are unique to a child growing up with an internationally-mobile lifestyle.

Hannah has been teaching with AIM since 2013, working in a number of different contexts. Since 2016 Hannah has taught at Wellspring Academy, Chad. Wellspring Academy serves the children of cross-cultural Christian workers. While providing a quality education is at the heart of Wellspring’s work, providing a safe space for the students to talk, interact with others and grow in their faith as they live cross-culturally are all vital components of what the school does. TCKs often feel their strongest sense of belonging among other TCKs because they share a highly mobile lifestyle, and because of this Wellspring also offers support to homeschooling families across Chad.

Hannah teaches the youngest class and as well as teaching she works with the staff team to develop curriculum and policies as the school grows and develops. She is involved with running the homeschool weeks twice a year for those homeschooling their children across the country. She is also continuing to study French and build relationships in the community.

Hannah is also involved with her local church, which provides opportunities to grow in relationships, service and speaking French. She particularly appreciates the fellowship of the ladies group which she is a part of.

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Latest Prayer News

Hannah teaches the children of cross-cultural Christian workers at Wellspring Academy in Chad. Give thanks for a good start to the school year and pray for Hannah as she has started to build a discipleship friendship with a local believer ‘M’. ‘M’ has a real heart for the spiritually lost and is involved in several outreach projects in Chad. Pray that this friendship will grow and sharpen each of them in Christ and be a real blessing to Hannah. 

Pray with Hannah, “Praise God for the opportunities we’ve had to serve home-schoolers in 2022 (after two years of Covid-19 disruptions). Home-school weeks have been a key aspect of our ministry over the years, and we are thankful to the Lord for opening that door once again.” 

Hannah teaches the children of cross-cultural Christian workers at Wellspring Academy in Chad. Praise God that he continues to faithfully provide teachers and that last year they were fully staffed. Pray for Hannah as she seeks to lead the team with humble confidence, trusting in the Lord each step of the way. 

Hannah teaches the children of cross-cultural Christian workers at Wellspring Academy in Chad. Wellspring is now on summer break and is preparing for the new term to start in August. They will have a short term teacher to cover one class for the whole year, and one to cover another class for the autumn term but currently don’t have someone to take over teaching that class from January. Please pray that God will provide a teacher for this class and for wisdom for Hannah as she leads the teaching team as they seek God for the team’s future plans. 

Hannah teaches the children of cross-cultural Christian workers at Wellspring Academy in Chad. In the coming months there will be a lot of transition among the staff at Wellspring, and next academic year Hannah will take on leadership of the school. Please pray that God will provide the staff that Wellspring needs. Pray that Hannah will have a deep reliance on Jesus as she prepares to take on leadership responsibilities at the school as well. If you would like to find out more about serving at Wellspring, please visit our website here. 


Chad became independent from France in 1960. Since then, its politics have been characterised by violence, coups and insurgencies. It is a secular state with freedom of religion. Muslims are dominant in government, trade and the army, although they are only just the majority religion (approx 53%). LEARN MORE


Teaching is not just a support ministry. It's vital in sharing the gospel, displaying Christ and helping children and young people to thrive. Could you use your gifts and skills to make Jesus known among the nations? LEARN MORE
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