Geoff Donaldson

Sent from Hope Church, Hillsborough

Geoff has a background in pastoral ministry, Bible College teaching and church leadership development work in Zimbabwe. The experience of serving in Africa embedded in him the vision for developing networks and partnerships in mission.

In his previous role as Mission Advisor in Ireland, Geoff sought to develop relationships with churches and church leaders, sharing the vision of how they can be part of seeing Christ-centred churches established among the 1000 unreached people groups of Africa.

The picture of world mission is evolving. Through his work Geoff helped people understand the biblical story of mission and how individuals and churches can play a role in the unfolding picture of gospel work across Africa and among African diaspora. Geoff spoke at Sunday services and small groups, had one-to-one discussions with church leaders and potential AIM candidates and met with mission groups and partners in mission mobilisation opportunities with other agencies.

Geoff and his wife Rosaliene are based in Lisburn and they have three children. Rosaliene works as a Social Prescriber and continues to offer support to disability groups that she helped to establish in Zimbabwe.

Geoff has now moved on from AIM to take up his position as Ireland Director for European Christian Mission (ECM) in Ireland.

Latest Prayer News

Give thanks that the UK Office has appointed a Maternity Cover Personnel Administrator. Today Paul will begin his role. Ask God to give him peace and capacity to take on a lot of new information as he is introduced to his role in the coming weeks. Pray for all the necessary pieces to fall into place to facilitate a smooth handover process and that he will continue to be a blessed answer to prayer for the Personnel Team

Today marks AIM’s Personnel Director, Peter Root’s final day at AIM before he retires. He hands over his position to Deputy Personnel Director, Debbie McEvoy. Pray for God’s peace to be with Peter as he works at his AIM desk for one final time. Pray for Debbie as she takes on the Personnel Director role, that God will give her the time and capacity to continue learning her role and that God will continue to work His will in Peter’s life and in the work of AIM.  

Today the AIM Europe staff are marking Peter Root’s retirement; Peter is the current Personnel Director. Peter served as an AIM missionary before joining the staff team and will celebrate 35 years of service upon his retirement at the end of July 2024. Pray that today’s celebrations will be a joyful time of reflection and fellowship. Give thanks for all the Lord has done in and through Peter in that time and pray for God to bless him and his wife Darryl as they transition into this new stage of Peter’s life.  

Pray for Dirk and Loes from AIM Netherlands, as they grieve the passing of Loes’ sister in March. Give thanks that Loes knows her sister knew Jesus and that this is a great comfort to her. Pray that God will give Dirk the capacity to relieve his brother-in-law from his many administrative tasks at this difficult time and will rely on the Lord’s strength to continue in his role as Finance Officer for AIM Netherlands while supporting Loes and the family. 

The EU Office Finance Team has a busy workload as annual deadlines draw nearer. Pray for each member of the team as they work hard to prepare all the statistics and reports they need to meet each deadline and support the financial responsibilities of AIM and manage the financial support of each of our missionaries. 

United Kingdom & Europe

Ministry in the United Kingdom & Europe ranges from being a part of mobilising offices, to teaching in Bible colleges to being involved in work among the African Diaspora across the continent. LEARN MORE

Support, Logistics & Pastoral Care

Seeing unreached people reached is fruit of the body of Christ in action. That can mean pilots, qualified counsellors, administrators, photographers all helping and supporting the task of making Jesus known. LEARN MORE
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