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Sent from Regent Chapel Christian Fellowship, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Elle is part of a medical ministry team on the Indian Ocean Islands.

When Elle became a Christian at a Gloddaeth camp in rainy north Wales, she was already planning to become a doctor; but God challenged her that while he loves us to serve people practically, the biggest need anyone has is hearing and accepting the gospel.

On her gap year in a Creative Access country, where it isn’t possible to publicly preach the gospel, Elle met Christians using ‘normal’ jobs to build relationships and share the good news. God gave her a heart for the people they were trying to reach: they are so difficult to get the message to, and face so many dangers if they accept it. Elle felt called to this work.

During medical school Elle stayed with an AIM team on an Indian Ocean island and worked in the hospital there. She saw God work in amazing ways: People wanted to talk about God, sought out the Bible, and even had dreams about Jesus. She wanted to go back as soon as possible.

Elle has now returned to the island to join the AIM team there. She will primarily work as a children’s doctor in the hospital and rural clinics, but her intention will be to make friends with staff and patients and share the essential truth of the gospel with them.

Could you partner with Elle in this work?

Latest Prayer News

Elle* is part of a medical ministry team on the Indian Ocean Islands. Praise the Lord for Ma Fiona*, who continues to open her heart to Jesus. Elle was recently reading the story of the paralysed man with her. This presents a challenge to those who only see Jesus as a prophet – to say he can forgive sin would be blasphemy. But, if he has power to heal, how can we say he doesn’t have power to forgive sin?! This does not seem to worry Ma Fiona* – she was happy to thank God for sending Jesus who can forgive us. Please pray on for her to gain a fuller picture of who Jesus is.

*Names changed for security reasons

Elle* is part of a medical ministry team on the Indian Ocean Islands. They are grateful they were spared the worst of the recent cyclone and are unaware of any badly injured in their area. Christmas there is a strange season, as no-one is celebrating the season or the incarnation. The recent translation of Matthew’s Gospel into the local language has given Elle the opportunity to start sharing the story from this account, and she had some good discussions about the meanings of the names Jesus and Emmanuel.

*Name changed for security reasons

Elle* is part of a medical ministry team on the Indian Ocean Islands. Thank God that her friend Fatima* has resumed her Bible reading with Elle* and seems to be far more engaged than the last time they met. Give thanks that she wants to tell her friend Elaine* what she’s been learning about Jesus, when she’s at the market. Elaine* has previously been hostile to the gospel when Elle* tried to share with her, so pray that Fatima*’s interest in the Bible will capture her friend’s curiosity and that God will open a door to sharing the gospel with both women.  

*Names changed for security reasons 

Elle* is part of a medical ministry team on the Indian Ocean Islands. Give thanks that she has returned to the Islands safely after her home assignment. Give thanks that the cholera outbreak appears to be abating. Pray for Elle* to continue leaning on the Lord’s strength and guidance as she helps plan a community health screening initiative involving going out into the villages to identify sick children and provide care. This will be a new experience for Elle* so pray that God will bless the planning and implementing of this initiative and that God will provide the medicine, resources and medical personnel to provide this care effectively and safely. 

*Names changed for security reasons. 

Elle* is part of a medical ministry team on the Indian Ocean Islands and is currently on Home Assignment in the UK. Give thanks that the Easter meal and showing of the Jesus Film Elle’s Team planned took place. Pray for continued mutual encouragement in Christ and that those who came:  Harry* and Stephanie* a married believing couple, Susanne*; a believer who attends a local church with her two teenage daughters, and Ma Freema*, a believer who studies the Bible with Elle and Kay, will continue to have a spiritual hunger for more of Jesus to be revealed to them after this Easter celebration. 

*Name changed for security reasons. 

Indian Ocean Islands

These beautiful tropical islands are 99.9% Muslim and for security reasons we refer to this area as the ‘Indian Ocean Islands’ rather than naming individual islands. Islam is deeply rooted on these islands and to be an islander is to be a Muslim. There are a small number of believers on each island but many follow Jesus secretly for fear of rejection and persecution.



We long to see Health Professionals practising, modelling and mentoring competent, compassionate medicine, but doing so in places where they will influence unreached people groups for Christ. LEARN MORE
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