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Annette* serves in AIM’s Southern Region Office, based in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Annette’s interest in global mission was sparked from repeatedly hearing about and seeing global mission in action at her church.

In 2013, she attended AIM’s Into Africa day and since then God has been nurturing her faith and desire to serve him. God has used her short term trips with AIM, different life experiences, and a lot of people to shape and mature her understanding of global mission.

In spring 2022 God opened up an opportunity for Annette to join the Southern Region Office team, based in Kenya, to serve as the Southern Region’s Office Administrator and Short-Term Coordinator and in 2023 she became Personnel Officer for AIM Southern Region.

Could you partner with Annette in this work?

*name has been changed for security reasons

Latest Prayer News

Annette* serves in AIM’s Southern Region Office. Give thanks for the encouraging time she had with other AIM workers at the Johannesburg Africa Based Orientation recently. Pray for her and the AIM Southern Region team as they prepare for some significant organisational changes early next year.  Ask God to provide visas for two new families joining the team, and a more permanent home for Annette* close to the Johannesburg office.

*Names changed for security reasons

Annette* serves in AIM’s Southern Region Office. Give thanks that God has provided the funds she was lacking, and that she can now look for a permanent place to live. Pray she will find a suitable and affordable place soon. This week she and her team welcomed fourteen new missionaries to AIM’s first Africa Based Orientation in Johannesburg. Ask God to give Annette the energy and capacity to fully engage in this intensive three-week programme and pray it will be a useful time for all those preparing to begin their assignments in November.   

*Names changed for security reasons 

Annette* serves in AIM’s Southern Region Office. Give thanks that after much waiting she has now returned to Africa and rejoined her team. Pray that she will settle well into a new flat and office space. Ask God to give her the capacity and perseverance to tackle the many administrative tasks sent her way and pray that above all, she will fix her eyes on Jesus and be encouraged by His love for her as his precious child.  Annette still needs further financial support to continue in her role. Could you support Annette? Find out more here.   

Annette* serves in AIM’s Southern Region Office. Give thanks that the visa she has been waiting for has been approved! This is a huge relief to Annette and means that she can finally rejoin her colleagues in Africa. She is still in need of more financial support to enable her to remain in her role long term. Pray for God to bless generous givers to partner with her in her ministry. Could you support Annette? Find out more here. 

Annette serves in AIM’s Southern Region Office, based in Nairobi, Kenya. Give thanks that she has settled back into life in the UK while on her Home Assignment. Pray that she will be able to ‘switch off’ from her administration responsibilities and find peace and rest with family and friends. Pray for her as she navigates complicated visa and work permit challenges. Pray that the documentation she needs will be approved in good time. 

Rest of the World

AIM's ministry extends across the world as missionaires from the UK and Europe serve in mobilising offices and are involved in work among the African Diaspora in Canada, the US and in other places around the world.


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