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Sent from St Giles Church, Northampton

Ann works among an unreached people group in northern Chad, supporting a local church through leading the women’s group and being part of the church’s leadership team, as well as talking to people about following Jesus. She also treats mentally ill and epileptic patients in the government district hospital.

She has been working with AIM in Africa since 1988, first at Kapsowar hospital in Kenya, before moving to Chad in 2004. Her work in Kapsowar prepared her well for Chad, teaching her administration skills and giving experience in a wide range of medical work. She was also very involved in church work, preaching in a local church and helping to run seminars training elders, women and youth leaders of the district’s churches. She began working in Chad at Bebalem Hospital, caring for patients and running the coordination of the church’s health centres, aiming to train others in good-quality Christian medical care.

In April 2015 Ann moved to the north of the country to work among an unreached people group. She was involved in sharing the gospel with local people and discipling believers; as well as encouraging women and teenagers at a small Arabic-speaking church; and treating mentally ill and epileptic patients.

In February 2020, Ann moved to a large village among the Neem* people. She works in a small hospital mainly seeing mentally ill and epileptic patients twice per week. The rest of her time is spent in continuing language learning and in building relationships with local women sharing the gospel where possible and preparing for a future team. She also tries to support the work of the local church, whose members are all from southern Chad. Services are conducted in French but there are many ethnic groups represented and significant numbers of women hardly speak French. In 2022 Ann started leading the church’s women’s group, helping to disciple these women so that they grow in their understanding of God and the Christian life. Ann also meets up with local people who are want to know more about Jesus, using Bible stories and the God Story film in the local language to help them understand what it means to follow him.

Much prayer is needed for the church, for a team to help Ann in the work of reaching out, and for language learning since in some areas Arabic is spoken, in other areas they use the local language, and in church and hospital French is used.

Could you partner with Ann in this work?

*Name of people group changed for their security.

Latest Prayer News

Ann works among an unreached people group in northern Chad. Pray for God to provide the right person to cover her work in a small hospital seeing mentally ill and epileptic patients, while she is on Home Assignment in the UK from the end of October. Ask God to also provide a suitable person to cover Ann’s leadership of her local church’s women’s ministry. Pray God will strengthen the faith of the women of this Church while Ann is away and that the Holy Spirit will enable them to communicate the gospel with each other and other local people despite language barriers. 

Ann works among an unreached people group in northern Chad. Her church is working on constructing a church building. Please pray for the Church construction. Several key people in the church are due to be away on long holidays or will be leaving permanently soon. Pray for the church and construction leaders who may go from being a team of 8 to a team of 4, without confirmation of which teachers will return. Donations to the construction project can be made to AIM quoting ‘Abdi Church Assistance Project’. Pray that God will bless the construction project so that Ann’s church can enjoy a permanent meeting place to hear God’s word preached and fellowship together. 

Ann works among an unreached people group in northern Chad. Pray for her as she continues seeking opportunities to talk about Jesus and the gospel with her friends and neighbours. During Ramadan, her Muslim friends fast from daybreak to sunset and this can result in irritability and less inclination to stop and chat due to hunger, thirst, and fatigue from the daytime heat. Pray that God will increase Ann’s capacity to visit, chat and help those around her so that Christ’s love will be boldly distinct in her interactions and draw people to ask her more about the God she worships. 

Ann works among an unreached people group in northern Chad. Pray for her as she recovers from a debilitating back injury. Give thanks that she is improving and hopes to return to her village in the coming weeks, health depending. Pray that her teammates, all of whom have experienced difficulty returning to their village, will be able to return safely soon. Pray that the women’s ministry in their village, which has sadly halted while the team has been away, will be restarted with joy and enthusiasm as soon as possible.  

Ann works among an unreached people group in northern Chad. Pray for her work treating mentally ill and epileptic patients in the government district hospital. Pray that attitudes towards seeking medical help and advice will change, as many who require attention choose not to seek help due to poverty, ignorance as to what medical help is available and medical care being lower down on people’s priorities. Pray that God will give the people Ann works with confidence to seek help and pray that God will continue to provide affordable ways for Ann to buy and collect vital medications that support those who cannot support themselves.  


Chad became independent from France in 1960. Since then, its politics have been characterised by violence, coups and insurgencies. It is a secular state with freedom of religion. Muslims are dominant in government, trade and the army, although they are only just the majority religion (approx 53%). LEARN MORE

Outreach & Evangelism

We long to let all Africa's people know that they can have life, in all its fullness, for comfort rather than being in fear of breaking taboos or working to earn favour in the eyes of their gods. LEARN MORE


We long to see Health Professionals practising, modelling and mentoring competent, compassionate medicine, but doing so in places where they will influence unreached people groups for Christ. LEARN MORE

Church Development

We hope that our church development work with local African churches will lead them to be centres of hope and love that draw more people to Jesus. LEARN MORE
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