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Andrew Wallace

Sent from Rayners Lane Baptist Church

Andrew served as part of a Focus team among the unreached Laarim people of South Sudan, seeking to share the gospel in creative ways.

He began serving among the Laarim in South Sudan in August 2015. The Laarim people live in the Boya mountain range approximately 250km east of Juba. Andrew is focused on language and culture learning, and building mutual trust and respect with the Laarim people. As these relationships develop, Andrew shared the truth about Jesus with them, discipling them in how to live as Christians in a culture dominated by traditional religion.

Andrew also guided the Laarim in the crafting of Scriptural songs: the transforming words of the Bible in their heart language, attached to their heart music. 

Latest Prayer News

Give thanks that Geoff Donaldson, one of AIM’s Mission Advisors in Ireland has had a smooth ending to his role within AIM and has followed God’s calling to take up the position of Ireland Director for Europe Christian Mission (ECM). Pray for him as he settles into his new role and that he would rely on the Lord for his strength. 

On Tuesday 10th April a number of us from the office attended a thanksgiving service for the life of Colin Molyneux who served with AIM in various capacities for over 35 years, including in Kenya, Madagascar, Chad and the UK. During the service Peter Maclure, a retired AIM missionary, read out a tribute to Colin’s work with AIM which you can read here. Please pray for Colin’s wife, Rosemary, and the wider family as they continue to mourn a much loved husband, father, brother and grandfather. Give thanks for the ways in which God blessed and used Colin throughout a life which has been characterised as “a life lived for Jesus”.

“Discovery Bible Study (DBS) has been continuing at different homes within the community with many encouraging signs of people wanting to learn more about the Word of God. Mary Mariko continues in her enthusiastic, faith-filled prayers and has also been song writing – much to my delight! There are testimonies from the community of answered prayer, as well as from within our team. God is demonstrating his power among the Laarim. Pray that there would be more homes eager to host a DBS. The Jesus film (a film of the Gospel of Luke that has been made available in the language of a neighbouring tribe) is also being shown in different homes upon invitation from the head of the household. Pray that it would cause many to want to find out more about Jesus.”

“I have begun my journey back to the UK. The last week has been an emotional journey of painful, but good goodbyes. Finishing well is hard, yet I believe that God, in his mercy, has made it happen. Goals were achieved, gifts were given, assurances of prayer exchanged. Despite numerous well-ups, I’ve managed to keep my tears from overflowing the eyelids so far this week. The moments that brought me to the brink include:

  • -A beautiful final team day of good food, fun games, words of encouragement and prayer. 
  • -My friend old Lukwa taking the initiative to pray for me the day before I left.
  • -The Laarim children singing for me at the air strip as I prepared to board the plane. 
  • -A lovely letter from one of the missionary children.


The co-existence of the excitement of returning with the grief of leaving is hard to describe… but in a word, I would say I feel thankful. Thankful to God for everything that he has done and everything that he is going to do.” 

Andrew has recently befriended a man called Lukwa and had much opportunity to talk with him about the Word of God and Jesus. “This message is a lot to take in for a man who has lived his whole life without knowledge of the Gospel, but by the grace of the Holy Spirit he is understanding more little by little. I believe that his confession of faith last night in the things he understood was sincere and celebrated by God, who has caused himself to be found by another soul who was seeking him… Thank you all for your prayers for Lukwa, and please continue to pray that he might be protected and grow in his faith. Pray that he will truly share the Gospel with his household and that they too will believe.” 

South Sudan

South Sudan became the world’s newest country on 9 July 2011. It was the outcome of the 2005 peace deal that ended Africa’s longest-running civil war. The majority of the population adhere to Christianity. Only 18% call themselves Muslim unlike Sudan, which is 97%. LEARN MORE

Outreach & Evangelism

We long to let all Africa's people know that they can have life, in all its fullness, for comfort rather than being in fear of breaking taboos or working to earn favour in the eyes of their gods. LEARN MORE

Language & Literacy

For the word of God is alive and active. But what if God’s word hasn’t been translated into your language yet? Or if you simply have never been taught to read? LEARN MORE
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