Introducing the Heaton Family

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Katie (11) and Jamie (8) grew up in Mozambique, and have recently moved with their parents to live in the UK for the first time. We asked them to tell us about how they were finding it so far…

What do you miss most about living in Mozambique?

Jamie: Playing in the sand. Miss my friends.

Katie: The beach, the sea and my friends.

What are you most excited about moving to the UK?

J: Nothing.

K: Seeing my family, meeting new friends and going to a new school.

Heaton Family

The Heaton family

In December 2015 we returned from Mozambique after ten and a half years of ministry among the unreached, Muslim, Mwani people. We went out with our three month old baby Katie, great expectations and not a little trepidation. It’s fair to say that those years were a real rollercoaster ride through heartbreak, frustration and joy. We learnt so much from working with Mozambicans and our fellow AIMers from many different nations. And we have tried and tested the Lord and have proven him to be good and faithful and true; he truly is our rock.

Returning to England has been another test of our faith as we work through our future and as our children work through feelings of grief and loss at leaving Mozambique, their only home. We’re excited for Tim as he takes on a new role with AIM as Area Mobiliser for the South of England and Wales. He is looking forward to challenging churches to engage with the unreached of Africa as well as helping potential new members work out how God is leading them.

What was school like in Mozambique?

J: It was brilliant, fun: the work was easy and I had lots of friends.

K: The work was fairly easy. The teachers were quite creative and I really enjoyed it.

Is it different being at school in the UK?

J: Yes: the work is harder.

K: Yes, quite a lot. The work is harder but there are more opportunities to do different things.

What do you think about UK food?

J: It’s ok, probably better than Mozambique. In Mozambique we only had beans and rice.

K: It’s very tasty but sometimes if I eat too much yummy food it gets boring.

What about the uk weather? Are you finding it cold?

J: It’s cold with lots of rain.

K: Not as cold and wet as I thought it would be but I still miss the sun and heat of Africa.

How are you going to keep in contact with your friends from Mozambique?

J: WhatsApp and Skype.

K: WhatsApp and Skyping.

What do you think about your Dad’s new job?

J: It’s good.

K: I’m pleased that he is still with AIM because I like AIM.

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