Why and how do we do mission?

After over 10 years teaching theology in Kenya, Georgette Short now teaches at Tilsley College in Motherwell, which aims to equip people to be involved in mission.

The theology of mission is a reflection on God, but while it is theology, it is also practical. It explores how God is at work in his world through mission and how he uses his people to do this. Our mandate for involvement in mission and the basis of our theology of mission is woven through the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. It’s very rewarding to study, something which all Christians would benefit from exploring more, particularly those interested in mission. 

If you want to dig deeper into this, there are lots of good resources which you can get hold of to help you. If you are thinking that God may be calling you to serve cross-culturally, it is important to think through issues which may face you before you go. Biblical and theological study is a good foundation for future service. It helps you to know what you believe and how to communicate that in your new setting. It helps you to think through how to live incarnationally in another culture and to be prepared to live there. It is important for us to reflect on why and how we do mission. 

Want to take it further?

Mission Matters, Tim Chester, IVP.

Tim Chester introduces us to a cascade of love flowing from the Father to the Son through the Spirit. That love overflows and, through us, keeps on flowing to our Christian community and beyond.


Missions in the Third Millennium, Stan Guthrie, Paternoster Press.

Charting 21 trends—both positive and negative—with continuing significance for the Great Commission community in the 21st century.


The Mission of God’s People, Christopher Wright, Zondervan.

Chris Wright offers a sweeping biblical survey of the holistic mission of the church, providing practical insight for today’s church leaders.

Picture of Georgette Short

Georgette Short

Having left Kenya in 2016, where she was involved in teaching Biblical and missions subjects as well as academic writing, Georgette is now serving at Tilsley College in Motherwell. She is teaching and equipping students to be involved in mission.

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