Identity in Christ

In April it was 20 years since the Rwandan genocide. Nancy Lambrechts shares about two friends she meets to read the bible with. A Hutu and a Tutsi…

The week before the memorial week, 20 years after the Rwandan genocide, I sat in my living room with two girls. Two girls who have come to know Christ. Two girls I read the Bible with. Two girls who I have grown to deeply care about. Our threesome is an interesting dynamic in many respects. From different nations and different generations, from different tribes and speaking different languages. A ‘muzungu’, a Hutu and a Tutsi. I asked the question, “Is the memorial week going to be a hard time for you?” My Tutsi friend started to speak of some of the challenges she faces during memorial week, she began to cry, to sob. The Hutu girl put her arm around her and said ‘mwihangane’ (‘be patient’ – used to show sympathy). I looked on as my Hutu friend comforted her. In that moment it struck me that genuine forgiveness and reconciliation can only come through the cross of Christ.

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