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your help is needed to reach more with the gospel

David is from sub-Saharan Africa and is serving as a missionary in North Africa. Where he serves is tough. Many people are interested in knowing about Jesus, but the cost of turning from Islam is high.
Ministry is often slow and difficult. But David is perserving and seeing fruit thanks to God’s guidance and the gifts and prayers of AIM supporters like you.

Where David works many people are resistant to the gospel.

He shares, “When I came to Jesus, knowing him was one of the greatest things I had found. My passion was to share this with others.
I looked for places in my home country with few churches, but then I learned of places with no churches and no one to share the gospel. So, I decided to go to such places to tell people about Jesus’ love for them.” 

By supporting workers like David you helped new believers like Myriam find Jesus.

Local mission workers like David gave Myriam a Bible. When she began to read it, she couldn’t put it down.

It took Myriam two years to become a Christian. Now she feels called to be a light in her community.

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