How do you share the gospel on an Indian Ocean island?
Kay lives and works in a remote village on an Indian Ocean Island, seeking to share the gospel through her healthcare work.
We use ‘Creative Access’ to refer to nations, areas or ministries where there is great hostility towards Christianity and where traditional ‘missionary work’ is not possible. Workers, therefore, need to be ‘creative’ in how they proclaim the liberating news of Jesus Christ. In North Africa alone, 200 million people from 472 unreached people groups are unreached with the gospel. That’s 200 million people unknowingly heading for a Christ-less eternity.
Workers use skills in many areas, including business, education and healthcare. Whatever you do for your ‘job’ at home, with a bit of modification you could probably do it in a creative access area.
Whatever role you have, the aim is to be as intentional as possible – to have the name of Jesus Christ on your lips at all times. Whether it is buying bread for breakfast, meeting with a client to discuss business, dropping off children at school, or drinking tea with a friend, the intention is to always be ready to share the truth of the gospel.
The lost need to hear the good news of Jesus. Is God working in your heart? Are you considering working in an area where Jesus isn’t known?
Kay lives and works in a remote village on an Indian Ocean Island, seeking to share the gospel through her healthcare work.
We lead a team in a creative access location and seek to share the hope of Jesus in all we do.
New member Amelia* shares about her interest in mission and about how she is preparing, spiritually, financially and emotionally to serve.
What is it like to live in a creative access country? One of our missionaries shares their impressions. Could you live in this sort of context?
W* lives in a creative access country and recently shared a recurrent conversation he has with himself about the challenges of where he lives.
Our newest member, David*, shares how God gave him a heart for the unreached. His name has been changed for security reasons as he will be serving in North Africa.