How has God led you?
Ann has been a missionary for 33 years. She explains how God has led her, over the years, to where she is now.
Chad became independent from France in 1960. Since then, its politics have been characterised by violence, coups and insurgencies. It is a secular state with freedom of religion. Muslims are dominant in government, trade and the army, although they are only just the majority religion (approx 53%).
AIM began work in Chad in 1987, following 25 years of turmoil since its independence and at a time when war, once again, was escalating. The work began alongside other mission agencies who’d formed a cooperative fellowship linked with the Eglise Evangelique au Tchad (EET). Four and a half years on AIM reported 181 peoples in Chad, speaking 135 languages. Of these peoples 115 lacked a church.
Today there are still 73 unreached people groups in Chad. That’s around 6,898,000 people who currently have no opportunity to hear the gospel. AIM offer many opportunities to serve in Chad, across a wide spectrum of ministries. Whether you are called to work amongst unreached people groups, or support mission through caring for mission partner’s children, could you be part of our work as we long to see Christ-centred churches across Chad?
Ann has been a missionary for 33 years. She explains how God has led her, over the years, to where she is now.
In Chad, you will find many vendors selling Jus de Fruit on street corners. It’s a milkshake drink, flavoured with different fruits (what fruits are used can vary depending on what is in season at the time) and a hint of cardamom and nutmeg. Why not make one and try it for yourself?
Please pray for the unfolding situation in Chad following rebel incursions and the death of President Idriss Déby.
The Neem are one of the largest non-Arab people groups in Chad with a population of around 450,000 people.
We are going to Chad to share the gospel with the Acacia people who haven’t had the chance to hear about Jesus
Margot and her husband plan to live and work among the K-people in Chad, an unreached Muslim people group. They desire to see a church planted among the K-people.